[Ubuntu-BR] Instalação Placa de Rede AcerLAN ALN-325
Nícolas Franco
nicolasfranco em gmail.com
Terça Outubro 27 18:29:00 UTC 2009
Olá pessoal
Estou instalando o Ubuntu 9.04 em uma maquina Desktop.
No final da instalação percebo que a placa de rede não foi instalada.
Modelo: AcerLAN ALN-325
Alguem poderia me ajudar com os procedimentos para instalação?
encontrei este arquivo na net:
ALN-325 10/100 Base-TX Fast Ethernet Adapter Driver
for Linux Slackware 3.50 (Kernel version: 2.1.10)
Most Linux does not support network after installation, so recompiling
kernel is usually required to add networking capability.
We suggest the following procedure to install ALN-325 on linux :
step 1: make sure that kernel source code is included
(check /usr/src/linux)
step 2: recompile kernel:
cd to /usr/src/linux, them type 'make menuconfig'
select the following options(mark them as '*')
.Loadable module support->Enable loadable module support
.Networking options->TCP/IP networking
.Network device support->Ethernet(10 or 100Mbit)
.Network device support->Realtek 8129/8139
(not 8019/8029!) support
step 3: .after options are selected, exit and execute
make dep;make clean;make zImage;
.if no serious error happens, the new kernel 'zImage' will be in
.copy this file to root.
.modify '/etc/lilo.conf' file to make system boot from this new
kernel image.
.run 'lilo' (Note: When you recompile kernel everytime, the
'lilo' also must run everytime.)
step 4: when system boots, the driver will be load.
(use 'dmesg' to check the boot message, you can see the string
"RealTek RTL8139". Here, Realtek is chip vendor.)
step 5: run netconfig to setup TCP/IP
(run 'ifconfig' or 'netstat -i' to see if there is a interface
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