[Ubuntu-BR] HP Pavillion dv6120
Tiago Branquinho Oliveira
tbranquinho em hotmail.com
Sexta Janeiro 16 00:56:12 UTC 2009
Informações novas, não sei se vai melhorar para descobrir o erro do xadrez, mas tentando instalar o compiz fusion deu a mensagem no console:
compiz --replace -c emerald &
Checking for Xgl: [1] 7670
tiago em tiago-laptop:~$ not present.
Detected PCI ID for VGA:
Checking for texture_from_pixmap: present.
Checking for non power of two support: present.
Checking for Composite extension: present.
Comparing resolution (1280x800) to maximum 3D texture size (4096): Passed.
Checking for Software Rasterizer: Not present.
Checking for nVidia: present.
Checking for FBConfig: present.
Checking for Xgl: not present.
/usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Warn: Unknown option '-c'
/usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Error: Couldn't load plugin 'emerald'
/usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Warn: Plugin 'core' already active
/usr/bin/compiz.real (video) - Warn: No 8 bit GLX pixmap format, disabling YV12 image format
$ compiz --replace -c emerald &
Checking for Xgl: [1] 7670
$ not present.
Detected PCI ID for VGA:
Checking for texture_from_pixmap: present.
Checking for non power of two support: present.
Checking for Composite extension: present.
Comparing resolution (1280x800) to maximum 3D texture size (4096): Passed.
Checking for Software Rasterizer: Not present.
Checking for nVidia: present.
Checking for FBConfig: present.
Checking for Xgl: not present.
/usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Warn: Unknown option '-c'
/usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Error: Couldn't load plugin 'emerald'
/usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Warn: Plugin 'core' already active
/usr/bin/compiz.real (video) - Warn: No 8 bit GLX pixmap format, disabling YV12 image format
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