[Ubuntu-BR] ubuntu 8.04
Alexandre Martani
amartani+ubuntu em gmail.com
Quinta Abril 17 22:20:49 UTC 2008
No Google dá pra achar informações sobre isso:
Alexandre Martani
On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 9:18 AM, Israel Junior <israeljunior em gmail.com> wrote:
> Bom, o que eu sei (e o que está divulgado no próprio wiki do Ubuntu e
> nos anúncios da lista oficial) é que o Hardy será LTS:
> "Hardy Heron is the code name for Ubuntu 8.04 LTS, scheduled for
> release in April 2008" - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron
> "Not only will the Ubuntu community continue to do what it does best,
> produce an easy-to-use, reliable, free software platform, but this
> release will proudly wear the badge of Long Term Support (LTS) and be
> supported with security updates for five years on the server and three
> years on the desktop. We look forward to releasing the Hardy Heron in
> April 2008" - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-August/000336.html
> --
> Israel Junior - http://zaeel.org
> --
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> http://wiki.ubuntu-br.org/ComeceAqui -
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Alexandre Martani - amartani em gmail com
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