[Ubuntu-BR] Gutsy Release Party [Ingles]...Repassando
vern em riseup.net
Sexta Agosto 31 18:30:01 UTC 2007
Hi all,
Well folks, we are getting closer and closer to the release of Ubuntu
7.10, the Gutsy Gibbon, and it is going to rock like a good ‘un when it
comes out. Now, I need to draw your attention to something that is
always important when we put out a new release - Release Parties!!
When a new Ubuntu hits the streets, groups from around the world
(typically our incredible LoCo Community
(https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams) organise release parties on the day
of the release. This gives everyone a chance to get together, have some
fun and celebrate another chunk of Ubuntu being born into the world.
Well, the next release is Thu 18th October 2007 and it would be great to
have a worldwide blanket of release parties going on.
If you like the sound of this, follow these simple steps:
* Where possible, find and join your local Ubuntu LoCo team
(https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamList). Being part of a LoCo is
not a requirement, but it makes it more fun. :)
* Read this handy little guide
that I just wrote to help you get started organising a party.
* Why not join the new ubuntu-event-planners
(https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-event-planners) mailing list - a list
for people who are organising Ubuntu
* Add your party to the Gutsy Release Parties
(https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseParties) page.
Let’s make it happen. :)
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