[Ubuntu-BR] Installing Linux throught windows without CD
Fábio Nogueira
deb-user-ba em ubuntu.com
Quinta Agosto 16 13:29:38 UTC 2007
2007/8/16, Ricardo Schmidt <super.ismiti em gmail.com>:
> Hello all,
> I need to intall Ubuntu in a pc. But this computer does not have CD reader.
> So, I need to enter in windows to download the iso file.
> But how could I intall the Ubuntu without the CD drive?!
> Is there one way to install Ubuntu throughout windows without CD?!
> Thank in advance,
> Ricardo.
> --
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Hi Ricardo!!
I will translate this
for you.. ok?
Fábio "Elvis" Nogueira
Linux User: 351173 | Distribuição: Ubuntu Feisty
Jabber: ubuntuser em jabber.cz | IRC: Ubuntuser (irc.freenode.net)
Salvador - Ba
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