[Ubuntu-BR] vmware player pede reconfiguração a cada novo boot no Edgy

Lucas Galete lucasgalete em gmail.com
Quinta Novembro 9 15:31:17 UTC 2006

Lucas Arruda (llbra) escreveu:
> Voce precisa ter a header do kernel.

estranho precisar disso, mas na duvida instalei:
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.17-10-generic
sudo apt-get install vmware-player-kernel-modules-2.6.17-10 
depois dei um:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
o que me retornou o seguinte:

$ sudo apt-get upgrade
Lendo Lista de Pacotes... Pronto
Construindo Árvore de Dependências
Reading state information... Pronto
0 pacotes atualizados, 0 pacotes novos instalados, 0 a serem removidos e 
0 não atualizados.
1 pacotes não totalmente instalados ou removidos.
É preciso fazer o download de 0B de arquivos.
Depois de desempacotamento, 0B adicionais de espaço em disco serão usados.
Quer continuar [S/n] ? s
Instalando vmware-player (1.0.2-2) ...
Now configuring VMware Player.  (This may take some time...)
Configuring a bridged network for vmnet0.

Configuring a NAT network for vmnet8.

Probing for an unused private subnet (this can take some time)...

The subnet appears to be unused.

The file /etc/vmware/vmnet8/dhcpd/dhcpd.conf that this program was about to
install already exists.  Overwrite? [yes]

The file /etc/vmware/vmnet8/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases that this program was 
about to
install already exists.  Overwrite? [yes]

The file /etc/vmware/vmnet8/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases~ that this program was 
about to
install already exists.  Overwrite? [yes]

The file /etc/vmware/vmnet8/nat/nat.conf that this program was about to 
already exists.  Overwrite? [yes]

Configuring a host-only network for vmnet1.

Probing for an unused private subnet (this can take some time)...

The subnet appears to be unused.

The file /etc/vmware/vmnet1/dhcpd/dhcpd.conf that this program was about to
install already exists.  Overwrite? [yes]

The file /etc/vmware/vmnet1/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases that this program was 
about to
install already exists.  Overwrite? [yes]

The file /etc/vmware/vmnet1/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases~ that this program was 
about to
install already exists.  Overwrite? [yes]

Starting VMware services:
    Virtual machine monitor                                             done
    Virtual ethernet                                                    done
    Bridged networking on /dev/vmnet0 
    Host-only networking on /dev/vmnet1 (background)                    done
    Host-only networking on /dev/vmnet8 (background)                    done
    NAT service on /dev/vmnet8 
invoke-rc.d: initscript vmware-player, action "start" failed.
dpkg: erro processando vmware-player (--configure):
  subprocesso post-installation script retornou código de saída de error 1
Erros foram encontrados durante processamento de:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
> Tem certeza que vc baixou todos os pacotes que precisam ser instalados?
creio q sim
> Tente um
> sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
pois é..
nao sei mais o q fazer, todo pacote que instalo ele me enche o saco com 
as configuraçoes do vmware-player


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