[Ubuntu-BR] conectar em impressora de rede
Alberto Rolim
rolim em ramsons.com.br
Terça Março 14 17:09:49 UTC 2006
muito obrigado, resolveu meu problema. na minha situação, estava
faltando a senha do usuario do meu linux ser o mesmo do dominio
Andre Cavalcante escreveu:
>Cê tá com problema de autenticação.
>Aqui tive o mesmo problema, mas para uma HPDeskJet840c
>Na tela para a entrada dos dados faça assim:
>* Domínio: o nome do domínio NT
>* Máquina: coloque o IP do servidor de impressão ou o nome DNS completo:
>* Impressora: o nome do compartilhamento (cuidado com maiúsculas e
>minúsculas e com $)
>* Usuario: coloque o nome do usuário do domínio (não é necessário que este
>usuário seja criado no servidor de impressão, mas o servidor de impressão
>tem que ser configurado para autenticar no domínio e mais, o usuário deve
>fazer parte do banco de senhas do linux, portanto, crie-o na estação linux
>* Senha: a senha do domínio NT
>É isso!
>André Cavalcante
>Manaus, AM.
>Em 13/03/06, Alberto Rolim <rolim em ramsons.com.br> escreveu:
>>foi deletado o texto onde explico o que aconteceu, mas peguei o primeiro
>>email q mandei onde explica o passo-a-passo o que acontece, segue o texto:
>>"to com um problema em adicionar uma impressora de rede no meu ubuntu,
>>segue o passo-a-passo do que eu faco:
>>sistema>adm>impressora - adicionar impressora>impressora de rede>mudo
>>pra impressora windows (SMB) logo em seguida o ubuntu pede o loguin e a
>>senha do dominio, no qual ja coloquei varios, o do adm da rede windows, o
>>loguin e ate uma conta adm criado no servidor xp da impressora e com
>>qualquer uma delas nada
>>adianta, no campo maquina é disponivel todos os computadores que estao
>>no dominio no qual seleciono o computador q tem a impressora e no
>>proximo campo, "impressora" devo selecionar a impressora instalada
>>naquela maquina que selecionei no campo anterior, é neste momento que as
>>vezes da certo e as vezes nao dá pois as vezes o linux acha a impressora
>>as vezes nao (só consegui fazer achar duas vezes e nunca mais) e quando
>>acha eu consigo conectar a impressora normalmente.
>>o que devo fazer para nao ter mais este tipo de problema?"
>>complementando a situacao acima, ja ate instalei a impressora, dizendo q
>>modelo era q tava instalado na maquina windows, mas desta maneira, nao
>>imprime nada, fica apenas um icone da impressora com a informacao de q
>>tem um doc pra ser impresso.
>>alberto rolim
>>CHT T escreveu:
>>>Esta impressora esta em rede ?
>>>2006/3/13, Alberto Rolim <rolim em ramsons.com.br>:
>>>>ninguem me ajudou, sera q alguem pode me da uma dica de como resolver o
>>>>problema da conexao com minha impressora.
>>>>alberto rolim
>>>>Alberto Rolim escreveu:
>>>>>dentro do arquivo error_log, tem o seguinte conteudo
>>>>>sera que alguem poderia analizar pra mim? eu nao entendo nada estes
>>>>>tentei instalar de dois modos a impressora mas nenhum dos dois consegui
>>>>>intalar a impressora
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:11:08:15 -0400] Listening to 7f000001:631
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:11:08:15 -0400] Loaded configuration file
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:11:08:15 -0400] Configured for up to 100 clients.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:11:08:15 -0400] Allowing up to 100 client connections
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:11:08:15 -0400] Full reload is required.
>>>>>E [11/Mar/2006:11:08:15 -0400] LoadAllClasses: Unable to open
>>>>>/etc/cups/classes.conf - No such file or directory
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:11:08:19 -0400] LoadPPDs: Read "/etc/cups/ppds.dat",
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:11:08:20 -0400] LoadPPDs: No new or changed PPDs...
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:11:08:20 -0400] Full reload complete.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:26:58 -0400] Setting DeskJet-890C device-uri to
>>>>>"smb://rr0t@MARKETING-5/hp890" (was "file:/dev/null".)
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:26:58 -0400] Setting DeskJet-890C
>>>>>printer-is-accepting-jobs to 1 (was 0.)
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:26:58 -0400] Setting DeskJet-890C printer-state to 3
>>>>>(was 5.)
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:26:59 -0400] Saving printers.conf...
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:26:59 -0400] New printer 'DeskJet-890C' added by
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:28:04 -0400] Setting HP-DeskJet-890C device-uri to
>>>>>"smb://rr0t@MARKETING-5/hp890" (was "file:/dev/null".)
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:28:04 -0400] Setting HP-DeskJet-890C
>>>>>printer-is-accepting-jobs to 1 (was 0.)
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:28:04 -0400] Setting HP-DeskJet-890C printer-state to
>>>>>3 (was 5.)
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:28:04 -0400] Saving printers.conf...
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:28:04 -0400] New printer 'HP-DeskJet-890C' added by
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:28:21 -0400] Adding start banner page "none" to job
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:28:21 -0400] Adding end banner page "none" to job 1.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:28:21 -0400] Job 1 queued on 'HP-DeskJet-890C' by
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:28:21 -0400] Started filter
>>>>>/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 29107) for job 1.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:28:21 -0400] Started filter
>>>>>/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip (PID 29108) for job 1.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:28:21 -0400] Started backend
>>>>>(PID 29109) for job 1.
>>>>>E [11/Mar/2006:16:28:22 -0400] [Job 1] Connection failed with error
>>>>>E [11/Mar/2006:16:28:25 -0400] [Job 1] Unable to connect to SAMBA host,
>>>>>will retry in 60 seconds...DEBUG: 1 %%Trailer
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:00 -0400] Adding start banner page "none" to job
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:00 -0400] Adding end banner page "none" to job 2.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:00 -0400] Job 2 queued on 'DeskJet-890C' by
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:00 -0400] Started filter
>>>>>/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 29162) for job 2.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:00 -0400] Started filter
>>>>>/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip (PID 29163) for job 2.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:00 -0400] Started backend
>>>>>(PID 29164) for job 2.
>>>>>E [11/Mar/2006:16:29:01 -0400] [Job 2] Connection failed with error
>>>>>E [11/Mar/2006:16:29:01 -0400] [Job 2] Unable to connect to SAMBA host,
>>>>>will retry in 60 seconds...DEBUG: 1 %%Trailer
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:17 -0400] Saving printers.conf...
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:17 -0400] Started filter
>>>>>/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 29189) for job 2.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:17 -0400] Started filter
>>>>>/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip (PID 29190) for job 2.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:17 -0400] Started backend
>>>>>(PID 29191) for job 2.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:17 -0400] Printer 'DeskJet-890C' modified by
>>>>>E [11/Mar/2006:16:29:17 -0400] PID 29163 stopped with status 0!
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:17 -0400] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to
>>>>>to find out more.
>>>>>E [11/Mar/2006:16:29:17 -0400] PID 29164 stopped with status 0!
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:17 -0400] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to
>>>>>to find out more.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:18 -0400] Saving printers.conf...
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:18 -0400] Started filter
>>>>>/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 29193) for job 2.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:18 -0400] Started filter
>>>>>/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip (PID 29194) for job 2.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:18 -0400] Started backend
>>>>>(PID 29195) for job 2.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:18 -0400] Printer 'DeskJet-890C' modified by
>>>>>E [11/Mar/2006:16:29:18 -0400] PID 29189 stopped with status 0!
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:18 -0400] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to
>>>>>to find out more.
>>>>>E [11/Mar/2006:16:29:18 -0400] PID 29191 stopped with status 0!
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:18 -0400] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to
>>>>>to find out more.
>>>>>E [11/Mar/2006:16:29:19 -0400] PID 29190 stopped with status 0!
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:19 -0400] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to
>>>>>to find out more.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:19 -0400] Saving printers.conf...
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:19 -0400] Started filter
>>>>>/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 29201) for job 2.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:19 -0400] Started filter
>>>>>/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip (PID 29202) for job 2.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:19 -0400] Started backend
>>>>>(PID 29203) for job 2.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:19 -0400] Printer 'DeskJet-890C' modified by
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:19 -0400] Saving printers.conf...
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:19 -0400] Started filter
>>>>>/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 29204) for job 2.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:19 -0400] Started filter
>>>>>/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip (PID 29205) for job 2.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:19 -0400] Started backend
>>>>>(PID 29206) for job 2.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:19 -0400] Printer 'DeskJet-890C' modified by
>>>>>E [11/Mar/2006:16:29:19 -0400] PID 29193 stopped with status 0!
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:19 -0400] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to
>>>>>to find out more.
>>>>>E [11/Mar/2006:16:29:19 -0400] PID 29194 stopped with status 0!
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:19 -0400] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to
>>>>>to find out more.
>>>>>E [11/Mar/2006:16:29:19 -0400] PID 29195 stopped with status 0!
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:19 -0400] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to
>>>>>to find out more.
>>>>>E [11/Mar/2006:16:29:19 -0400] PID 29201 stopped with status 0!
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:19 -0400] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to
>>>>>to find out more.
>>>>>E [11/Mar/2006:16:29:19 -0400] PID 29202 stopped with status 0!
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:19 -0400] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to
>>>>>to find out more.
>>>>>E [11/Mar/2006:16:29:19 -0400] PID 29203 stopped with status 0!
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:19 -0400] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to
>>>>>to find out more.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:19 -0400] Saving printers.conf...
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:19 -0400] Started filter
>>>>>/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 29207) for job 2.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:19 -0400] Started filter
>>>>>/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip (PID 29208) for job 2.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:19 -0400] Started backend
>>>>>(PID 29209) for job 2.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:19 -0400] Printer 'DeskJet-890C' modified by
>>>>>E [11/Mar/2006:16:29:19 -0400] PID 29204 stopped with status 0!
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:19 -0400] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to
>>>>>to find out more.
>>>>>E [11/Mar/2006:16:29:19 -0400] PID 29206 stopped with status 0!
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:19 -0400] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to
>>>>>to find out more.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] Saving printers.conf...
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] Started filter
>>>>>/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 29210) for job 2.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] Started filter
>>>>>/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip (PID 29211) for job 2.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] Started backend
>>>>>(PID 29212) for job 2.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] Printer 'DeskJet-890C' modified by
>>>>>E [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] PID 29205 stopped with status 0!
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to
>>>>>to find out more.
>>>>>E [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] PID 29207 stopped with status 0!
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to
>>>>>to find out more.
>>>>>E [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] PID 29208 stopped with status 0!
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to
>>>>>to find out more.
>>>>>E [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] PID 29209 stopped with status 0!
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to
>>>>>to find out more.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] Saving printers.conf...
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] Started filter
>>>>>/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 29213) for job 2.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] Started filter
>>>>>/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip (PID 29214) for job 2.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] Started backend
>>>>>(PID 29215) for job 2.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] Printer 'DeskJet-890C' modified by
>>>>>E [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] PID 29210 stopped with status 0!
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to
>>>>>to find out more.
>>>>>E [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] PID 29211 stopped with status 0!
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to
>>>>>to find out more.
>>>>>E [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] PID 29212 stopped with status 0!
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to
>>>>>to find out more.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] Saving printers.conf...
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] Started filter
>>>>>/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 29216) for job 2.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] Started filter
>>>>>/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip (PID 29217) for job 2.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] Started backend
>>>>>(PID 29218) for job 2.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] Printer 'DeskJet-890C' modified by
>>>>>E [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] PID 29213 stopped with status 0!
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to
>>>>>to find out more.
>>>>>E [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] PID 29214 stopped with status 0!
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to
>>>>>to find out more.
>>>>>E [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] PID 29215 stopped with status 0!
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:20 -0400] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to
>>>>>to find out more.
>>>>>E [11/Mar/2006:16:29:21 -0400] [Job 2] Connection failed with error
>>>>>E [11/Mar/2006:16:29:23 -0400] [Job 1] Connection failed with error
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:33 -0400] Saving printers.conf...
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:33 -0400] Started filter
>>>>>/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 29244) for job 2.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:33 -0400] Started filter
>>>>>/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip (PID 29245) for job 2.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:33 -0400] Started backend
>>>>>(PID 29246) for job 2.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:33 -0400] Printer 'DeskJet-890C' modified by
>>>>>E [11/Mar/2006:16:29:34 -0400] PID 29217 stopped with status 0!
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:34 -0400] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to
>>>>>to find out more.
>>>>>E [11/Mar/2006:16:29:34 -0400] PID 29218 stopped with status 0!
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:34 -0400] Hint: Try setting the LogLevel to
>>>>>to find out more.
>>>>>E [11/Mar/2006:16:29:35 -0400] [Job 2] Connection failed with error
>>>>>E [11/Mar/2006:16:29:35 -0400] [Job 2] Unable to connect to SAMBA host,
>>>>>will retry in 60 seconds...perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:37 -0400] Adding start banner page "none" to job
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:37 -0400] Adding end banner page "none" to job 3.
>>>>>I [11/Mar/2006:16:29:37 -0400] Job 3 queued on 'DeskJet-890C' by
>>>>>alberto rolim
>>>>>Adriano Rafael Gomes escreveu:
>>>>>>Alberto Rolim escreveu:
>>>>>>>bem, ja fiz desta maneira e a impressora é instalada, o problema é
>>>>>>>nao imprime nada. Fica na bandeja de impressao a informacao de q tem
>>>>>>>documento para ser impresso mas nao imprime, por isso descartei esta
>>>>>>>alberto rolim
>>>>>>Sugiro conferir os logs em "/var/log/cups/".
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