[Ubuntu-BR] Google for Linux

Clóvis Alberto clovis.as em gmail.com
Quarta Junho 14 13:35:36 UTC 2006

Saiu a versão linux e MacOS do Google Earth. Aqui baixei o Google Earth 
Plus (Beta 4), dei chmod +x  GoogleEarthLinux.bin e ./GoogleEarthLinux e 
instalou perfeitamente no meu Dapper.

Para baixar : http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html

*Recommended configuration for PC:*

    * Operating System: Windows XP
    * CPU: Pentium 4 2.4GHz+ or AMD 2400xp+
    * System Memory (RAM): 512MB
    * Hard Disk: 2GB free space
    * Network Speed: 768 Kbits/sec
    * Graphics Card: 3D-capable with 32MB of VRAM
    * Screen: 1280x1024, "32-bit True Color"

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