[Ubuntu-BR] Fim!

Og Maciel og.maciel em gmail.com
Sexta Outubro 28 14:39:27 UTC 2005

Aqui vai a minha traducao... Fiz algumas alteracoes e coloquei 2 opcoes na
parte do Texto... Qual delas voces gostam mais? Qualquer duvida/sugestao,
manda bala!

Heading: Announcing the first Ubuntu Linux "Planet" written in the Brazilian
Portuguese language for the Brazilian Open Source community.

Headline: Brazilian Ubuntu Linux community creates an agregador of
information about the Ubuntu Linux distribution.

Text(1): With the sole purpose of gathering in one single place in the net
the great amount of information circulating every day in blogs of Ubuntu
Linux users, a group of Brazilian Ubuntu Linux users have today launched
Planet Ubuntu Brazil. In a very automated fashion, Planet Ubuntu Brazil adds
at every hour new posts related to the subjects of Free Software, Open
Source, Linux and, obviously, Ubuntu, all mostly containing tips, tricks,
reviews, opinions and all types of information.

Text(2): With the sole purpose of gathering the great amount of information
circulating every day in blogs of Ubuntu Linux users and supporters in one
single place, a group of Brazilian Ubuntu Linux users have today launched
Planet Ubuntu Brazil. In a very automated fashion, it will gather at every
hour new posts related to the subjects of Free Software, Open Source, Linux
and obviously, Ubuntu, mostly containing tips, tricks, reviews, opinions and
all types of information.

To learn more about Planet Ubuntu Brazil and/or also add your own blog,
access the following URL: http://planeta.ubuntubrasil.org.

"There's no place like <>"

Og B. Maciel

.NET / Oracle Developer by day
Linux Evangelist by night

Linux Registered User 286200

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