[Ubuntu-BR] Legal

Elton Luís Minetto eminetto em gmail.com
Domingo Outubro 16 13:10:46 UTC 2005

Lendo o RSS do Planet Ubuntu apareceu esse depoimento
(http://www.sourceguru.net/article/32/ubuntu) que é muito legal e
mostra q o ubuntu está realmente indo no caminho certo. É um
depoimento dado por um novo usuário do ubuntu no canal de irc

=== shadeofgrey has joined #ubuntu-devel
02:09	shadeofgrey	hello!  im not a coder or developer or anything so
ill get out of everybody's way i just…,...  wanted very much to say
thanks to everybody who makes ubuntu possible and free for people like
me…  i always wanted to learn linux and failed miserably thanks to the
daunting task of learning fedora core…
02:09	shadeofgrey	but thanks to ubuntu ive managed to learn thousands
of times more than i ever thought possible by myself, and for that,
you all deserve far better than my heartfelt thanks could ever give
02:10	shadeofgrey	anyway…  my name is Chris and my email address is
shadeofgrey em gmail.com—send me an email if i could ever be of any help
– especially with your assistive software because im very physically
handicapped, so id make an excellent guinea pig
02:12	shadeofgrey	thanks again for all your hard work and dedication..
 you've made it possible for me to kill windows with an Ice pick, and
now that I've broken free, I'll never ever go back…  even if i hgave
to pay for ubuntu… I would.
02:12	shadeofgrey	keep up the good work and thanks!
=== shadeofgrey has left #ubuntu-devel ["Leaving"]

assinatura = {}
assinatura["Nome"] = "Elton Luís Minetto"
assinatura["EMail"] = "elm em unochapeco.edu.br"
assinatura["HomePage"] = "http://www.unochapeco.edu.br/~elm/"
assinatura["GoogleTalk"] = "eminetto at gmail dot com"
assinatura["LinuxUser"] = 232436
for i in assinatura.items():
     print i

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