[Ubuntu-BR] OFF-TOPIC [afmdg em yahoo.fr: Webcam support with amsn cvs version]

Breno Jacinto Duarte da Costa brenojac em gmail.com
Quarta Maio 18 00:27:45 UTC 2005

Nao se eskecendo sempre que tempo o Gaim-VV... nao sei se já está no
unstable, mas aki vai os links p/ jogar no seu sources.list:

deb http://people.debian.org/~smimram/debian unstable main 
deb-src http://people.debian.org/~smimram/debian unstable main 

    Mais sobre gaim-vv: http://gaim-vv.sourceforge.net/


On 5/16/05, Rodrigo Belém <rodrigo em debian-am.org> wrote:
> If you want to keep contact with friends who use Windows with MSN and
> use your webcam, the cvs version of amsn have webcam support.
> http://amsn.sourceforge.net/amsn_cvs.tar.gz
> You have just to extract files and in the msn directory execute ./amsn
> &
> Michel
> Description: An MSN messenger written in tcl
> A very nice MSN compatible messenger application. Works pretty much
> like its Windows based counterpart. Perfect for keeping in touch with
> those friends who have not yet seen the light.
> --
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  .''`.  -- Breno Jacinto 
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