PPA ppa:bluetooth/bluez fixes two annoying problems in 18.04

Daniel van Vugt daniel.van.vugt at canonical.com
Mon Jul 23 01:34:06 UTC 2018


That PPA is technically not supported and may vanish (or break) in 
future. It was only for testing. Using it will also prevent you from 
logging bugs and getting support.

We released a minor update for bluez on 18.04 recently that might have 
fixed your resume problem:

If that's not enough and you need to continue using 5.50 then the right 
place to get it is from Ubuntu 18.10. But you can just grab the files 
and install them in 18.04:

If you can find exactly what change in 5.50 fixed the Apple Magic 
Trackpad then we can also make that an official update. If only we know 
what source file(s) to update...

- Daniel

On 22/07/18 15:09, Tim Richardson wrote:
> I just discovered this
> ppa:bluetooth/bluez
> It has fixed two problems for me, using 18.04 on a Thinkpad T480
> 1) after every resume, my Logitech mouse would stop working a few 
> seconds after resume I was turning it off and on, but the problem no 
> long occurs with bluez 5.50
> 2) I have an Apple Magic trackpad. The bluetooth connect would break 
> after some time. 5.50 seems to have fixed it. This was such an annoying 
> problem I gave up using it (hence my encounter with point 1)
> I hope you are able to get this into 18.04 at some point. The PPA 
> package has made a nice improvement to my Ubuntu experience. Thanks.
> regards Tim
> -- 
> Tim Richardson

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