[Merge] lp:~bluetooth/bluez/new-rel-5-37-plus-touch-xenial-sync into lp:~bluetooth/bluez/ubuntu

Tony Espy espy at canonical.com
Sun Jan 24 00:14:21 UTC 2016

Tony Espy has proposed merging lp:~bluetooth/bluez/new-rel-5-37-plus-touch-xenial-sync into lp:~bluetooth/bluez/ubuntu.

Requested reviews:
  Bluetooth (bluetooth)

For more details, see:

This change includes:

 - a new upstream release ( 5.37 )

 - sync between touch version from overlay PPA and xenial

Note, as part of this change, the bluez-test-scripts binary package was re-named to bluez-tests ( see changelog for why ).

Also, the phonebook-ebook code is now enabled by default.  This is basically a no-op on the desktop, as this code provides hooks to pull contact information from evolution-data-server ( ie. the db used by Contacts ).  There's no support to add or update contacts in EDS.  So, this code is really only used when the device supports a Phonebook service ( ie. bluez is running on a phone vs. a desktop ).
Your team Bluetooth is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~bluetooth/bluez/new-rel-5-37-plus-touch-xenial-sync into lp:~bluetooth/bluez/ubuntu.
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