Ubuntu 10.10: Bluetooth PAN is not working after upgrade

Theodore's Maillists tvt-mailists at bk.ru
Mon Dec 6 18:44:58 GMT 2010


After upgrading 10.04-->10.10 my Bluetooth PAN network stopped working. I tried bluez 4.69 and 4.70 but result is the same. There are the following problems:

1. The only exposed profile now is "Headset Audio Gateway";
2. Outgoing PAN connections are always fail as follows:

 tvt at ubuntu:~$ sudo pand -c '00:17:9A:3F:49:66' -n
 pand[9527]: Bluetooth PAN daemon version 4.70
 pand[9527]: Connecting to 00:17:9A:3F:49:66
 pand[9527]: Connect to 00:17:9A:3F:49:66 failed. Permission denied(13)

Is it a bug, new feature or just my mistake?

HCIDUMP log is attached.


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