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Hi everyone<BR><br><BR>It's been over a week since I first talked to you about the special pre-order period we have for our Ubuntu-be Tshirts.<BR>Today I can tell you a few new things:<BR><br><BR><ul><li>First of: they arrived! Yes indeed we finally have them. As we said already we'll be sending all your orders after Fosdem.</li></ul><br><BR><ul><li>Second: You can still order a shirt at Fosdem for ¤12 and for ¤13 (inc shipment) on the webform:<br><a href="https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=dFBJTlJBcGJtdFc0cEZNMlFfaVU0Z3c6MQ#gid=0">https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=dFBJTlJBcGJtdFc0cEZNMlFfaVU0Z3c6MQ#gid=0<br></a>For those who still want to buy the shirt but tend to postpone this: Hurry up, you only have three days left!</li></ul><br><BR><ul><li>Third thing I'd like to share with you guys it that our sales are going well. I'm glad to tell you we allready sold 1/4th of our entire stock!</li></ul><br><BR>This being said I'm happy that things are going well. I also hope our shirts will please everyone who bought one (or more)!<BR><br><BR>Kind regards<BR><br><BR><br><BR>Wouter Vandenneucker<BR> </body>