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Hi to all, <br>
The new posters (dutch version) will be available this week-end, in
Dipro Ghent and other upcoming events (payement in cash).<br>
For who are interested by buying these posters, here are the prices:<br>
1 poster = 2 euro,<br>
10 to 20 posters = 1 euro/poster,<br>
more than 20 posters = 0,75/poster<br>
By post, add port 5,70 euro < 2 kg. <br>
For the moment, particular orders can be sent to Matthew Deboyser
(<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:matthew@next-games.nl">matthew@next-games.nl</a>) or to me.<br>
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<img alt="" src="cid:part1.05070100.09070402@free.fr" height="38"
width="38"><i>Ubuntu Belgium Events Team</i>