I'm starting off with a new mail thread, so that everything is in one place, because I spoke with the supplier again, and now you can order polo's and t-shirts through me, if you want.<br><br>I have two item lists for you.
<br><br>This first item list contains items that have to be ordered RIGHT AWAY if you want some of these. I have to receive orders (at least through mail) for these items before Wednesday 2 May, 20:00!! I would advise you to order shirts from the second item list if you can. Thank you!
* Polo Shirt 220gr/sqm, navy blue, Size XXXL-XXXXL 18,00€<br>* T-Shirt 185gr/sqm, black Size S-XXL 14,00€<br>
* Polo Shirt 220gr/sqm, black, Size S-XXL 17,00€<br>
* Polo Shirt 220gr/sqm, black, Size XXXL-XXXXL 18,00€<br><br>The second item list contains items that have to be ordered before the end of 15 May:<br>* T-Shirt 185gr/sqm, navy blue Size S-XXL 14,00€<br>* Polo Shirt 220gr/sqm, navy blue, Size S-XXL 17,00€
<br><br>The shirts will be available for pickup in Turnhout.<br><br>If you cannot pick them up and would like me to send them to you, it will cost another 4,30€ extra! This is still cheaper than ordering it directly from the supplier though. (ordering directly from the supplier would cost you about
24.00€ with shipping)<br><br>If you want to order shirts, follow these steps:<br><br>1. Send me a mail with the subject "shirt order" and tell me what you want to order in the mail.<br>2. Transfer the money for the order to bank account number 001-4589749-76.
<br><br>If you need IBAN or BIC:<br><br>IBAN code: BE91 0014 5897 4976<br>BIC code: GEBABEBB<br><br>Thank you,<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Wesley Stessens <<a href="mailto:wesley@ubuntu-nl.org">wesley@ubuntu-nl.org</a>>
<br>Human Knowledge Belongs To The World - Antitrust (2001)<br><a href="http://wesley.debianbox.be">http://wesley.debianbox.be</a> ; <a href="http://www.ubuntu-nl.org">http://www.ubuntu-nl.org</a><br>