Meeting Ghent 07/01/2006 With: Michel, Peter and Isma�l Discussion Points: - Computer Fair Ghent(end of January) - VLOD (begin March) - A school who tests Open Source (filmed by AVS/Ghent) - Ubuntu Site with dedicated server - Vista vs. Ubuntu (a hardware specs, costprice) - Setting up meetings in Ghent (2/month) - local contact East Flanders : peter (because journalists move around?) Computer Fair in Ghent: What will we need? - Promoters - Pc's to demonstrate Ubuntu (old or new...) - Linux compatible hardware - sponsor for booth rent ?? What will we do? - Make a connection between laptop and pc with both Ubuntu (to show how easy it is) - Compare the Vista specs with Ubuntu specs (what will your computer need in order to work) - Compare the price of Vista with Ubuntu (just show them you can save a computer if you don't buy Vista) -e.g. With Vista you get the package, with Ubuntu you get the package + computer!! - Try to convince the people to use Ubuntu (or Ed/X/K...) VLOD - We need to contact the organisers to discuss this - Find a shop who wants to sponsor a "server" for a thin/oldstuf client demo - Pieter (Mehercle) will provide 2X PII for use as a client - Use the upcoming book of Edubuntu to convince schools (written by Ismael) - work together with ubuntu-be on thestudy-plans for teachers AVS - Peter and Ismael and some other volunteers will try to convince a school to work with Edubuntu for a week or longer and make a little report of this. Also somewhere in March. site - Setting up an Ubuntu site with al the distributions it holds (startpage and let them choose && link to belnet to download the iso's) - Make a site of each distribution (for each distribution 1 maintainer and 1 person to with full access) - Working with a dedicated server (80Euro --> 250Gb Hosting) - Search for sponsors and team owners (setting up a network of persons to be addres points for each distro) Vista vs. Ubuntu - see "Computer Fair" Local contact East Flanders. - Ismael and Peter can act as local contacts for ubuntu-be We want to meet twice a month in Ghent! Next meeting in Ghent : next wednesday, thursday and/or sunday @ backstage (across the street from Vooruit) around 19h to see who wants to attend at the fair in ghent on jan 21 to promote ubuntu (gets you free entrance to the fair:-) every ubuntu user in the ghent region is hereby invited to help us out at the fair itself. afterwards we'll organise a gettogether in a /pub; cd beer; cd meal to see where we go from there. as the computer fairs regularly happen on the 3rd sunday of the uneven month in ghent, (next fair is sunday jan 21st in ICC) it may become a regular ghent meeting day every 3rd sunday of the month. those who cannot make it during weekends (students e.g.) get their shot @ 1st thursday or other week day of every month. suggestions (not discussed) : t-shirts. 'Ubuntu, free your computer' or something like it, might be nice for the fair; i'll look to get a price for 30-50 black t-shirts (my treat) with the logo and the slogan to sell for € 10,- what is to be done to get approval? want to help in edubuntu-book-project as well, translating howtos to dutch and english, and helping in general (about once a week i have to make a tv report on something a school organizes, so slipping in some cd's might not harm them, if they want to try)