Hello,<br><br>I just created a little blog about Ubuntu and Free softwares.<br><br>In the same time, I'm affiliated to a famous search engine advertisement program.<br><br>As this blog is fresh, it as few visits, but I hope it will generate some traffic.<br><br>I wish to use this potential few money for non-profit organisations as Ubuntu-be, FSF, ...<br><br>As soon as I've good news, I'll keep you informed.<br><br>Best regards,<br><br>Stephane<br><br><BR><BR><div> <div><font color="#c00000" face="Courier New">________________________________<br></font></div><div><font color="#c00000" face="Courier New">Stephane VANBELLINGHEN<br>Quai de la Dérivation, 38<br>B - 4020 LIEGE</font></div><div><font color="#c00000" face="Courier New">+32 496 74 28 02<br></font></div><div><font color="#c00000" face="Courier New"><a href="http://svanbellinghen.cabanova.com">http://svanbellinghen.cabanova.com</a><br></font></div></div><p> 
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