as jan pointed out, it will be crowdy at vooruit tomorrow evening,<br><br>backstage, which is just across the street, seems a better place.<br>and you can get a decent meal there as well, which is a plus.<br>i cant pinpoint the time i can make it there
<br>18h at best, 19h at worst, depends on the work.<br><br>as bram pointed out, we can't stick a tux to our heads to<br>recognize each other, but the place is much smaller then vooruit,<br>so that wouldnt put up this big a problem.
<br><br>hope you can all make it, and we'll see how things develop.<br><br>for those who can't make it thursday, there will be more opportunities<br>next month i guess. (we could also make teams to spread ubuntu<br>
at the ghent computer fairs, who knows eh, these could also make great meeting moments afterwards:-)<br><br>i'll bring along 'Ubuntu Hacks' in the O'Reilly series, which has a <br>great hack to make Live-Ubuntu CD's persistant in combination
<br>with a memory stick, so yo can take your favorite linux with your settings anywhere.<br><br>cya<br>p<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Linux usr #206738<br>Linux Counter <a href=""></a>