[Ubuntu-be] Android files Ubuntu
9100 at skynet.be
9100 at skynet.be
Thu Feb 25 19:35:33 UTC 2016
I am wondering, does a factory reset, really bring your smart phone in
the state it was, the first time you have use it?
Op 05-01-16 om 08:03 schreef Jan Claeys (Ubuntu):
> Merlijn Sebrechts schreef op zo 03-01-2016 om 10:34 [+0100]:
>> Rooting the ubuntu phone is very easy. You remount the root partition
>> so it is writable. This doesn't have any effect on the
>> security/sandboxing of the apps, each app is still contained in a
>> container. This does allow you to use apt to install any ubuntu
>> application (ubuntu touch repos are the same as ubuntu desktop and
>> server repos).
> This will likely result in breakage on some future OTA system upgrade
> though, and because of that is not recommended.
> If you want to install packages on an Ubuntu phone, the best option is
> to create a chroot environment in the phablet user's home directory,
> and install & run packages in there.
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