[Ubuntu-be] Android files Ubuntu
Jan Claeys (Ubuntu)
ubuntu at janc.be
Tue Dec 22 18:08:21 UTC 2015
9100 at skynet.be schreef op di 22-12-2015 om 17:56 [+0100]:
> I would like to view all files (also the system files) that stay on
> my android smart phone in Ubuntu. I don't know if it is smart to do,
> but I want to delete some files, because I believe there is stay some
> 'crap' on it.
> I have found 'QtADB'. Someone experience with it or know another
> program?
If you know how to work on the command line, you can use the 'adb' tool
in the 'android-tools-adb' package to get a shell on any Android phone,
provided "developer mode" is enabled on the phone (not all phones
support that though).
Also see:
I don't know QtADB, but I assume it's a GUI frontend for 'adb'?
And be careful what you delete...
Jan Claeys
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