[Ubuntu-be] Ubuntu life in Belgium

tom verlinden tom.verlinden at gmail.com
Wed Apr 30 07:45:55 UTC 2014

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Hey Bill,

that's exactly what i'm thinking for quit some time now.
It seems to me that there are people who are willing (me, for
instance), but that there are other constraints at play.
Work, family, reduced interrest, other...holding people back.

I follow this mailinglist for quite some time now, and i must say,
it's very quiet around here these days.

So i guess it's like you said, there's things going on, but on a local

What do you suggest to get the word out? (maybe on a larger scale,
providing we find enough people?)

Kind regards,


kawabill schreef op 30/04/2014 7:30:
> What triggered me was a mail I got from someone in the community, 
> stating that he rather spent his time otherwise, declining an
> invitation I had sent him. No problem of course, but it took me to
> the following page; 
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/IrcMeetings
> No activities are visible for me the visitor, going over the pages
> it seems that the latest info dates from 2012. I know activities
> are still going on, organized by enthusiasts on a very local scale,
> but for me it is not visible whether all of this is coordinated.
> I find it a pity, that in the period where MS end of lifes XP I
> don't see any coordinated activity to get people over into the 
> Ubuntu/Mint/Linux camp.
> Can anyone please comment and give feedback or let me know I'm
> wrong and I seem to live life on a desolate space outside of the
> Ubuntu community?
> Have a nice day. Bill
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