[Ubuntu-be] Release Party 14.04 Ghent

Mike Morraye mike at morraye.be
Tue Apr 15 21:57:38 UTC 2014

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Hi Michel,

You're welcome to give your talk!
I'm extremely interesting in these subjects, as will others!

- - Mimor

On 15/04/14 23:24, Michel Daggelinckx wrote:
> i could give a talk about linux in wireless mesh networks. openwrt
> + guifi.net + qmp.cat for large networks openwrt + villagetelco.org
> (SECN v2.0) for small networks and telefonie in rural developing
> world.
> Michel
> op 04/15/2014 11:06 PM, Mike Morraye schreef: Hi Frank,
> That's awesome! I'd love it if you would/could give a
> presentation/talk about your experience. We've got the space and a
> beamer.
> - Mimor
> On 15/04/14 22:48, Frank Neirynck wrote:
>>>> Hello Mike,
>>>> I am a user, definitely not a techie, but I use Ubuntu since
>>>> 2004 as the only desktop environment in our home and my work
>>>> network (my work as a journalist in local news agency), after
>>>> having my first Ubuntu installed by Jan Claeys (who solved
>>>> the issues with my initial screw-up version). If you want I
>>>> can talk about that experience either in English, Dutch or
>>>> Spanish. I also taught a few years in Peru, where the
>>>> national university where I worked used Linux out of
>>>> financial necessity...
>>>> Let me know if this is something you think your audience is
>>>> willing to listen to... If so, I'll book my train ride to
>>>> Ghent...
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Frank Neirynck
>>>> -----Oorspronkelijke bericht----- Van: Mike Morraye 
>>>> <mike at morraye.be> Reply-to: Ubuntu Belgium 
>>>> <ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com> Aan: Ubuntu Belgium 
>>>> <ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com> Onderwerp: Re: [Ubuntu-be]
>>>> Release Party 14.04 Ghent Datum: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 18:42:39
>>>> +0200
>>>> Hi all!
>>>> So-far, I had no-one willing to give a talk or demo and only
>>>> one person (Merlijn) that offered to lend a hand. This is
>>>> both sad and disappointing. This led the goals of the
>>>> 'release party' to changed. It'll just be an opportunity for
>>>> people to meet other ubuntero's and have a chat. People whom
>>>> are willing to help each-other out with installing or
>>>> troubleshooting Ubuntu can do so.
>>>> There is the space, internet and food/drinks available. I had
>>>> hoped to have a more active and educative release-party... I
>>>> guess this just reflects the current state of the Ubuntu-be
>>>> community.
>>>> - Mimor
>>>> On 04/03/14 15:38, Mike Morraye wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> As next month there will be a new release of another LTS
>>>>> version of Ubuntu, I'm looking into organizing a Release
>>>>> Party.
>>>>> Date: April 19th (the Saturday after the release)
>>>>> What has been done: I've already got the location
>>>>> available. The hackerspace in Ghent (http://0x20.be) is my
>>>>> venue of choice.
>>>>> What needs to be done: My next step is decide what kind of 
>>>>> activities there should be. Therefore I come to request
>>>>> your help.
>>>>> What is it you'd expect from a release party? Would you
>>>>> rather have a simple and only-socialize event, or would you
>>>>> expect demo's from vendors and/or talks by other users?
>>>>> If you are willing to give a talk/presentation, whether you
>>>>> are a user or a techie... And you are willing to come over
>>>>> to the wonderful city of Ghent, contact me!
>>>>> I'm also looking for vendors, working with Ubuntu, that
>>>>> are willing to give a demo of their product. So if you are
>>>>> one of these vendors, or you know a vendor, get in touch
>>>>> with me.
>>>>> I'm looking forward to all the reactions!
>>>>> - Mike
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