[Ubuntu-be] Fwd: ubuntu-be.org down
Mike Morraye
mikemorraye at gmail.com
Tue Sep 17 15:57:31 UTC 2013
Once I get the image, I'll try to set up a (still have to check if possible to make permanent) mirror.
Still have a problem figuring out who's in control of the domain name.
Can someone point me in the right direction?
Also, I will not create the mirror on an US accessible host!
- Mimor
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Loic Dachary <loic at dachary.org>
> Subject: Re: ubuntu-be.org down
> Date: 17 Sep 2013 17:04:20 GMT+02:00
> To: Mike Morraye <mike at morraye.be>
> Cc: contact at fsffrance.org
> Hi,
> I've had no news from ubuntu-be for a very long time, I guess that's why the machine was decomissionned. I'll provide you with a backup of the machine image later today.
> Cheers
> On 17/09/2013 16:53, Mike Morraye wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm not sure if this is the right address to direct this question to;
>> but it seems that the ubuntu-be.org <http://ubuntu-be.org> website has gone down for an unknown reason.
>> It points to the IP:**
>> Which has PTR: *cmd1.fsffrance.org <http://cmd1.fsffrance.org>*
>> Now it seems like this host is down.
>> I'm not aware if this is the host that should proxy the traffic, or the one actually hosting the website.
>> From the whois info from this IP range, I came to this email address.
>> Could you help me search me out, or provide me with the right contact information to the person able to solve this?
>> (The ubuntu-be mailinglist had this issue posted, but without a reply from an admin) :(
>> Kind regards in advance,
>> Mike Morraye
>> (+032) 0485 12 11 99
> --
> Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre
> All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing.
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