[Ubuntu-be] Fwd: 13.04 Raring Ringtail Global Release Party

Jan Bongaerts jbongaerts at gmail.com
Wed Apr 3 07:41:17 UTC 2013

Hi there,
if there are any release parties being hosted, please let us know!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Laura Czajkowski <laura at lczajkowski.com>
Date: 2 April 2013 22:42
Subject: 13.04 Raring Ringtail Global Release Party
To: "Ubuntu local community team (LoCo) contacts" <
loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com>


It's coming closer to to that time of the cycle again where we plan our
release parties in our LoCos.  I've created the global event on the LTP -
http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2322/  and it would be great to see
all the many teams adding their events there like we have in the past.
I've set the date for a month after the event as we often get requests to
keep it open so teams who want to have a release party at a later stage can
still do so which is great :)

It would be great to hear what teams plan on doing or what has worked best
for them in the past, do you run an Ubuntu Quiz at your event, have pizzas,
give talks or demos have install fests going on, or just get together and
have some fun and chat with your fellow team members.  Share what you do
with us!

Thanks folks


Laura Czajkowski https://wiki.ubuntu.com/czajkowski
LoCo Council Member
Community Council Member

loco-contacts mailing list
loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com

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