[Ubuntu-be] Ubuntu-be user manual GitHub or Launchpad
Wouter Vandenneucker
woutervddn at gmail.com
Thu Sep 13 09:36:22 UTC 2012
Hey Guys,
@tom: Where did you ask it? I should have seen it come by, but I don't see
any credit in the invoice files with your name on it.. I might have missed
@jan: Don't you think that would be more of a burden? After all, it doesn't
give you the opportunity to do version management...
@bram: Maybe I can take them back to my place the next time we meet for
that mixer project?
2012/9/10 Bram Kortleven <bram op bramkortleven.be>
> I still have a box of mixed t-shirts... they must be quite dusty in the
> meantime, as I described in an earlier message on the list.
> I'm currently reorganising and redecorating my apartment, and that
> includes some drywalling works... which involves a looooot of dust...
> In the previous message, I also said I don't have the time anymore to
> organise all Antwerp activities, fair-wise, so the materials that are still
> at my place should probably move to someone else's place to be able to use
> them at future events and fairs.
> Anyone?
> Thanks
> >Didn't Bram say that he had t-shirts?
> >Wouter, dare I suggest it....
> ><making blocking gesture against incoming blow> make a wiki page about the
> >manual and upload it there?
> >
> >Regards,
> >Jan.
> >On 10 September 2012 12:31, tom verlinden <tom.verlinden op gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >> Yes,
> >> How's about them t-shirts?
> >> I've asked one more than a year ago... Never gotten any response....
> >> Op 10 sep. 2012 11:38 schreef "Wouter Vandenneucker" <
> >> woutervddn op gmail.com> het volgende:
> >>
> >>> Hi guys,
> >>>
> >>> I'm about to upload the user manual I made several weeks ago. But I'm
> >>> wondering where I should do that?
> >>> What would you guys use? GitHub or Launchpad?
> >>>
> >>> On a related note, do we have any medium sized shirts left? I spoke to
> >>> the guy and he's giving us the fastest computers of those that are
> going
> >>> out..
> >>> I was wondering if we could give him a shirt as a thank you..
> >>>
> >>> Grts
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Wouter
> >>>
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