[Ubuntu-be] So studying got really boring..

Wouter Vandenneucker woutervddn at gmail.com
Tue Sep 4 16:22:43 UTC 2012

Well I used this font because it's the one most used in the "keep calm and
carry on" posters.
But okay, I'll change it to Ubuntu or Ubuntu Bold.. I'll see what fits




2012/9/4 tom verlinden <tom.verlinden op gmail.com>

> Yes indeed, let's stick to that. The more fonts i see, the less i know.
> Let's keep it simple. The fantastic ubuntu font will do just nice, i think.
> Great work Wouter!!
> 2012/9/4 martijn cielen <mcielen op gmail.com>
>> why not use the (fantastic btw) ubuntu font?
>> On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 12:31 PM, Wouter Vandenneucker <
>> woutervddn op gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Okay, thx for the tips..
>>> I made the logo a little bigger, the text a little smaller, changed the
>>> Aspect Ratio to 16/9 (sorry ultra-wide screen people, but this is a lot
>>> more convenient) ..
>>> Tom, did you have any font in mind? I'm using Helvetica ultra bold at
>>> the moment, but I can try anything.. I was first thinking of using myriad,
>>> but that's a bit to Apple-like..
>>> V2 is here: http://vdnkr.be/royal_V2.png
>>> When I'm done I'll upload the xcf gimp file as well..
>>> Grts
>>> Wouter
>>> 2012/9/4 tom verlinden <tom.verlinden op gmail.com>
>>>> Hi,
>>>> i'm usually a reader of the mails flowing by, rather than contributing
>>>> (as i had nothing to contribute). Untill now...
>>>> The text might be a bit smaller and the logo bigger, but i very much
>>>> like the background. (maybe try a different font? Just for
>>>> experimentation...)
>>>> The background, afaik, you should keep it that way.
>>>> Keep up the good work! (but don't forget to study!)
>>>> 2012/9/4 Wouter Vandenneucker <woutervddn op gmail.com>
>>>>> Hey all,
>>>>> as the subject of this email already states: i got bored during
>>>>> stuDYING.. So I made a new wallpaper..
>>>>> it's just a first version and for some unexplained reason it has a
>>>>> really strange aspect ratio..
>>>>> Now I was wondering, should the text go a little smaller and the
>>>>> background a bit darker maybe?
>>>>> http://vdnkr.be/royal_v1.png
>>>>> Grts
>>>>> Wouter
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>>>> Verlinden Tom.
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> Mvg,
> Verlinden Tom.
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