[Ubuntu-be] Custom ISO ubuntu-be

Jurgen Gaeremyn jurgen at gaeremyn.be
Fri Oct 12 19:46:05 UTC 2012

Hey Claudio,

unfortunately I don't have a computer I can experiment with... and not 
very eager to test it on my work computer.


On 10-10-12 18:40, Claudio Mammarella wrote:
> Hey Jurgen,
> I didn't install it on a windows system, only on a system with 1 OS 
> and the installation went good.
> Slow boottime, the iso is almost twice as big then the original. 1,2gb 
> - 700mb
> If we have to much problems with custom iso's, isn't it better to make 
> a custom usb-stick with original iso's on it (ubuntu 32bit-64bit, 
> xubuntu, kubuntu, Lubuntu) and just customize the bootscreen of the 
> stick with a logo from ubuntu-be?????
> Let me know how it went,
> grts,
> Claudio
> Op 10-10-12 08:02, Jurgen Gaeremyn schreef:
>> Hey Claudio,
>> did you try actually installing it on a Windows system already?
>> I had all kinds of problems... (slow boot - errors during install).
>> I'll try downloading it a second time and using a different stick, but I
>> prefer sending out the message too soon than having new people running a
>> faulty system... (basically saying it's probably my fault, but have to
>> work now, so can't verify yet)
>> Grtz,
>> Jurgen.

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