[Ubuntu-be] Manual
Wouter Vandenneucker
woutervddn at gmail.com
Tue Jul 17 07:21:37 UTC 2012
it was about midnight.. :D I don't think you wanted me to call that late..
2012/7/17 Jurgen Gaeremyn <jurgen.gaeremyn op pandora.be>
> Here's my version:
> http://ubuntuone.com/**30VOMo2ULYInGiHIkcXitj<http://ubuntuone.com/30VOMo2ULYInGiHIkcXitj>
> Same disclaimer: don't spread this version - it was a DRAFT and should not
> be distributed.
> Oh, and Wouter... plz... call me if you have this kind of trouble. :p
> Grtz,
> Jurgen.
> On 07/17/12 00:09, Wouter Vandenneucker wrote:
>> Hey guys
>> I shorted some chapters to get the manual v1.0 ready by tomorrow morning.
>> In the end I'm not so pleased with the lack of visual stuff in the first
>> chapters and the short last chapter.. it should have been 4 serperate
>> chapters..
>> I just didn't have the time for it...
>> Anyhow, when schools starts again, I'd like to have a complete version
>> (V1.1) of the manual which also includes installation etc..
>> http://vdnkr.be/Ubuntu_**Handleiding_V1_0.pdf<http://vdnkr.be/Ubuntu_Handleiding_V1_0.pdf>
>> Please tell me your remarks..
>> PS: I didn't find the changes Jurgen made. So I'm afraid there are still a
>> kazillion spelling errors in there..
>> If some of you can get them all out by the end of the week I'll submit
>> that
>> one at my fathers company, else it's this version.
>> Kind regards
>> Wouter Vandenneucker
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