[Ubuntu-be] braai (kawabill)
kawabill at telenet.be
Thu Jul 12 17:26:14 UTC 2012
Wanneer het lukt om zaken met Wouter te coördineren dan kan ik er ook
bij zijn, I'll go with Wouter's flow om zo te zeggen.
Tot zaterdag.
Op 07/12/2012 02:00 PM, ubuntu-be-request op lists.ubuntu.com schreef:
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: braai (Ward De Ridder)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2012 22:21:16 +0200
> From: Ward De Ridder<ubuntu-be op warddr.eu>
> To: ubuntu-be op lists.ubuntu.com
> Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-be] braai
> Message-ID:<4FFDE03C.1060503 op warddr.eu>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Hash: SHA1
> Ik zal zorgen dat ik vanaf 10 uur 's morgends in de hackerspace ben, kom
> dan gerust maar langs.
> Dan kunnen we tegen een uur of 2 richting Jan gaan.
> Hier staan een uitleg hoe je in de hackerspace geraakt:
> http://voidwarranties.be/index.php/Contact
> Iedereen is uiteraard welkom.
> Ward
> Op 27-06-12 19:11, Keltoum schreef:
>> Dag Ward,
>> Info op de site klinkt interessant. Wil wel een rondleiding.
>> Grts K
>> On 27 Jun 2012, at 16:07, Ward De Ridder<ubuntu-be op warddr.eu
>> <mailto:ubuntu-be op warddr.eu>> wrote:
>>> Wel even rechtzetten, een hackerspace is een plaats waar
>>> constructief wordt samengewerkt rond onderwerpen als informatica
>>> (cisco, programmeren, server beheer ...), elektronica en zo
>>> voort. De meeste leden bij ons zijn ook met linux bezig.
>>> Ik kan gerust een rondleiding geven, dan kan je kijken wat je
>>> ervan vind. Als je al eens op de website wil rondkijken:
>>> http://voidwarranties.be/index.php/Main_Page
>>> Ward
>>> On 06/27/12 16:01, Keltoum Belorf wrote:
>>>> HOI Ward,
>>>> Ik heb wel interesse. Ben niet zo ervaren in hacking op
>>>> jailbreaken andere simpele dingen na :-). Maar ben vooral bezig
>>>> met vormen van verzet. En hacking is er toch een goeie vorm en
>>>> een democratische ook.
>>>> groetjes
>>>> Keltoum
>>>> 2012/6/27 Ward De Ridder<ubuntu-be op warddr.eu
>>>> <mailto:ubuntu-be op warddr.eu>>
>>>> Ik kom uiteraard ook af.
>>>> Had er iemand interesse om daarvoor naar de hackerspace van
>>>> Antwerpen te gaan? Dan zorg ik ervoor dat we binnen kunnen,
>>>> kunnen we daarna samen met den tram naar den braai.
>>>> Ward
>>>> On 06/27/12 15:57, Keltoum Belorf wrote:
>>>>> Hoi hoi
>>>>> Superidee. Ik heb ook wel interesse in een nerdy BBQ. Ik zal
>>>>> het in mijn agenda zetten. Ik ben zelf van het 't stad :-)
>>>>> groetjes
>>>>> Keltoum
>>>>> 2012/6/18 Jan Bongaerts<jbongaerts op gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:jbongaerts op gmail.com>>
>>>>> Hi Guys, The meeting + braai is going to be held on Saturday
>>>>> 14 July (we'll start by singing the Marseillaise). Meeting at
>>>>> 15h00 and braai from 18h00 onwards. Please let me know if you
>>>>> would like to attend.
>>>>> For those of you who really feel they should attend at least
>>>>> a meeting, but can't make it that day, or feel it should not
>>>>> be held here, do let me know. The meeting can be
>>>>> rescheduled.
>>>>> Cheers, Jan.
>>>>> On 25 May 2012 01:19, Ward De Ridder<ubuntu-be op warddr.eu
>>>>> <mailto:ubuntu-be op warddr.eu>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello All,
>>>>> I can tell you from last year that I had a great time there.
>>>>> Food was good, and the atmosphere was great!
>>>>> I think this is a great time to put some new life in
>>>>> ubuntu-be, as it has been very silent lately.
>>>>> If some of the participants would like to get to know Antwerp
>>>>> before the braai I can always give you a tour around Antwerp.
>>>>> I'm not a guide, but I study in Antwerp for 3 years now so I
>>>>> can show you the tourist things like The Central Station, the
>>>>> "boerentoren", the cathedral, the MAS (Museam aan de Stroom),
>>>>> ... I can also try, if anyone is interested in that, to find
>>>>> someone to open up the hackerspace (we don't have enough keys
>>>>> / alarm codes to give one to every member) in Antwerp around
>>>>> noon, and give you a tour there. We have a lot of Linux
>>>>> systems running there, and there's a giant tux somewhere.
>>>>> If you don't like my ideas no problem, I'm just trying to
>>>>> think about how to give you an entire day of fun in a
>>>>> beautiful city, Antwerp :D
>>>>> Ward
>>>>> On 05/22/12 15:22, Jan Bongaerts wrote:
>>>>>> Summertime, and the living is easy...
>>>>>> Most of us probably remember what braai means. For the new
>>>>>> ones amongst us, a braai is a barbecue. Except that a
>>>>>> barbecue is for ignorant Americans or Australians. Braai is
>>>>>> doing it properly, like proper South Africans. I am half
>>>>>> South African (actually got a passport the other day).
>>>>>> Last year we had loads of fun. Last year's report can be
>>>>>> found here:
>>>>>> https://wiki.edubuntu.org/BelgianTeam/SocialEvents/Braai
>>>>>> I have a suggestion: we can use the opportunity to have a
>>>>>> IRL meeting beforehand. Council members, what do you
>>>>>> think? We could coordinate some new ideas, and perhaps
>>>>>> refresh or shuffle the Council.
>>>>>> I therefore made up a Doodle where you can do two things at
>>>>>> once: choose a date, and say if you'd like to attend an IRL
>>>>>> meeting beforehand.
>>>>>> here's the link: http://www.doodle.com/ga4hbghzni4m3mgx If
>>>>>> you like the braai but have no interest in the meeting,
>>>>>> just select the 'braai at 18h' only.
>>>>>> Of course, we can discuss the idea via this mailing list as
>>>>>> well. If the general opinion is not to have an IRL meeting,
>>>>>> I can easily remove the option from the Doodle.
>>>>>> I suggested some dates in July on the Doodle. If you do
>>>>>> like the idea but are not available on any of these dates,
>>>>>> please do let me know. I can easily expand the Doodle to
>>>>>> suit other people's diary.
>>>>>> Cheers, Jan.
>>>>>> P.S. I have attached last year's message just to get you
>>>>>> into the vibe.
>>>>>> (the following message contains South African slang. If you
>>>>>> are lost in translation, there are plenty of web sites that
>>>>>> will help you out with it. Google is your friend. The
>>>>>> Wikipedia list is kak, don't bother)
>>>>>> Howzit!
>>>>>> As promised I'll be organising a lekker South African braai
>>>>>> at our place.
>>>>>> How will this braai work? Basicall
>>> -- ubuntu-be mailing list / mailto:ubuntu-be op lists.ubuntu.com
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