[Ubuntu-be] FOSDEM booth

Jan Claeys ubuntu at janc.be
Tue Jan 10 21:43:56 UTC 2012

Ward De Ridder schreef op di 10-01-2012 om 21:07 [+0100]:
> I can be there all weekend,

As you said before, on IRC...   :)

> I will order a Raspberry Pi as soon as they are available, if it's
> delivered in time, and I get ubuntu running on it I will take it with
> me, and maybe we can even install ubuntu TV on it :D


> The chocolates were a big success last year, all boxes were sold out. I
> think it's a good idea to sell them again.

Somebody needs to order them then...   ;)
Or maybe we can get chocolates from some other place, who knows...?

> Dinner @ that pizza restaurant was fine, but maybe we should contact the
> mysql volunteers about that as well. It was their idea to go to that
> pizza restaurant, and they were kind enough to let us join so I think
> that's the least we can do.
> I think the system with inscription at the boot worked very well last
> year. I just digged up some old e-mails, and last year there were 13
> people from ubuntu at that dinner.

Are you interested to be the responsible for the "Ubuntu dinner"?  ;)

Jan Claeys

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