[Ubuntu-be] Silent computers' shop staat er klaar voor!-- Re: ubuntu-be Digest, Vol 82, Issue 16
Jurgen Gaeremyn
jurgen.gaeremyn at pandora.be
Fri Dec 21 15:36:43 UTC 2012
I didn't consider the initial answer as spam - I did take it as a rather
weak answer in the sense that there's no further help than only offering
to make a sale.
I was hoping to get feedback in the sense of: "I'm using *blabla* on my
computer and *bla* on my Android device and it all works fine doing
these steps: *blablabla*" Or even: "Buy this device: *SomeDevice*, it
contains drivers for ubuntu" In extremis it could be: "let me google
this for you: *keyword 1* *keyword 2* ..."
Obviously, if the solution you're offering is something you developed
in-house, and thus only offer to your customers... that's also an
option, and then the shop is he place to be.
Well... but as disappointing as the answer was... the answer "spammer"
didn't help me any further either.
On 21-12-12 13:25, tom verlinden wrote:
> Is there a "code of conduct", guidelines, on how to approach things
> like this?
> What i'm trying to say is, what if you know a good link/shop/space
> that can help you?
> What would be the appropriate action to take?
> Needless to say i too disagree with spamming any list, but it's
> something i was asking myself just yet...
> 2012/12/21 martijn cielen <mcielen op gmail.com <mailto:mcielen op gmail.com>>
> Jan,
> frankly I don't give a *** what anyone (corporate or individual)
> has done for anyone/anything when they abuse a mailing list to spam.
> When I send messages to this list, I use my personal address, and
> not my commercial one. Ideally, others should do the same.
> Martijn
> On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 11:22 PM, Jan Bongaerts
> <jbongaerts op gmail.com <mailto:jbongaerts op gmail.com>> wrote:
> Easy now!
> Silent Computers has done more for ubuntu-be than most.
> 2012/12/20 martijn cielen <mcielen op gmail.com
> <mailto:mcielen op gmail.com>>
> spammer
> 2012/12/20 Lesia Valèri <lesiavaleri op gmail.com
> <mailto:lesiavaleri op gmail.com>>
> Hi,
> daar is de Silent computers' shop voor!
> Stuurt die dame naar ons toe, wij zullen wel beste
> oplossing voor vinden!
> 2012/12/19 Jurgen Gaeremyn <jurgen op gaeremyn.be
> <mailto:jurgen op gaeremyn.be>>
> > Hi...
> >
> > I was popped this question today... (and I'm
> interested myself too).
> > Anyone on our list who can help this lady?
> >
> >
> > hi,
> > does anybody know a good smartphone?
> > (not too expensive < 180 euro)
> > which is easy to use and synchronize with ubuntu
> 12.04...
> > thanks, M
> >
> Met vriendelijke groeten,
> Lesia Valeri
> *Silent computers
> *
> startklare computers
> stil, eco, energiebesparend
> persoonlijke raadpleging
> service binnen 1 werkdag
> thuisinstallatie
> *www.to-my-taste.com * <http://www.to-my-taste.com/>
> Uw computerspecialist!
> Audiofiel 3D TV
> thuis business studie
> C.A.T. Home set
> Winkel:Wijnegem Shopping Center / Turnhoutsebaan 5 /
> ingang 5 / winkel 182 /open ma-za 10-00 uur, vr 10-21uur
> Silent computers b.v.b.a.BTW 0819 659 205 IBAN: BE51
> 001-5950645-62 BIC GEBABEBB
> Postadres:Dorenboslaan 6, b182, 2110 Wijnegem,
> Tel.:+32 3 353 00 84 <tel:%2B32%203%20353%2000%2084>
> GSM: 0487 614 227 e-mail: lesiavaleri op gmail.com
> <mailto:lesiavaleri op gmail.com>
> --
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> Check out http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/why-use-ubuntu and find
> out why it is a better option than trying to upgrade your
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> --
> Mvg,
> Verlinden Tom.
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