[Ubuntu-be] Tshirts are gonna be shipped

tom verlinden tom.verlinden at gmail.com
Tue Dec 18 06:34:02 UTC 2012

Yes we are... XD
So get it done. :-p

2012/12/17 Wouter Vandenneucker <woutervddn op gmail.com>

> you guys are evil!
> 2012/12/17 martijn cielen <mcielen op gmail.com>
>> You ppl want to punish Wouter?
>> Make him sit through 5 consecutive Windows installations while listening
>> to the RTBF Eurovision song contest participant on repeat (for those who
>> haven't heard it yet, my cat sounds better). Proof (in the form of a
>> Youtube/Vimeo/... video) can be sent to this list. Goes without saying,
>> Wouter's hands and feet should be tied to the chair. To make it even worse,
>> there should be a Duvel on his lap. Open. Poured in.
>> Sadistically yours,
>> Martijn
>> On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 10:24 PM, Wouter Vandenneucker <
>> woutervddn op gmail.com> wrote:
>>> then at least make it real beer!
>>> 2012/12/17 Jurgen Gaeremyn <jurgen.gaeremyn op pandora.be>
>>>> I disagree... that's not enough. He should also do the plop-dance and
>>>> put it on youtube. :p
>>>> On 17-12-12 16:30, jbongaerts wrote:
>>>> > Almost two months to ship t-shirts. Mmmm.
>>>> >
>>>> > Since Wouter is a student, I'm thinking 'punishment'
>>>> > 'student' = 'down-downs'
>>>> > 'student' + 'punishment' = 'heineken'
>>>> >
>>>> > So therefore, by unanimous decision:
>>>> > Wouter, get yourself 3 heinekens and down them one after the other.
>>>> > Send proof to this list.
>>>> >
>>>> > Ad fundum!
>>>> >
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Verlinden Tom.
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