[Ubuntu-be] Tshirts are gonna be shipped

Alain G. J. Derycke alain.g.j.derycke at gmail.com
Sun Dec 16 04:22:56 UTC 2012

Hey Wouter,

Taking in account my money transfer of October 30th, I hope I am not to
anxious to get my T-shirt. Until today, nothing received. Is it possible to
give a small hint whether I receive it before X-mas this year?

Thank you,

Alain Derycke

2012/11/8 Wouter Vandenneucker <woutervddn at gmail.com>

> Hi guys,
> I'm starting shipment of the shirts today ^^
> So with a bit of luck you should get them by monday or so..
> Grts
> Wouter
> --
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