[Ubuntu-be] Win8 will block dual-boot?

wouter Vandenneucker woutervddn at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 22 06:40:45 UTC 2011

i can back up the fact that you can't install win8 without totally overriding your drive.However, you can't keep another version of windows either. My guess is that it's just not finished atm.
I don't think that microsoft will make it unavailable to install other MS systems. Some people just need multiple OSes (People who can't use their work version of win to do personal stuff etc..).If however they do block any other OS, I think that:
a) Apple will find a way to sue them
b) It takes about 4 weeks until it's hacked so Grub can be installed "in front of" MS
Look at other electronics like PS3 etc.. it never took longer than 2 months of serious hacking attempts. This time however, we hold the key as it are "OUR" systems.. not some vendor locked devices..
Nevertheless I do look forward to see how things evolve. Win8 is imho far from ready, the difference between the "new stuff" and the "remaining stuff" from win7 is just to big.Win 7 windows have a "glass" look and have shadows surrounding them so it would look like there is depth to the system. Win8 on the other hand is just totally FLAT.No shadow or glossy look what so ever. I've seen it run on a friends pc and I really believe that it's even more inconsistent that Nautilus in Ubuntu 11.10

> Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2011 07:03:11 +0200
> From: jurgen.gaeremyn op pandora.be
> To: ubuntu-be op lists.ubuntu.com
> Subject: [Ubuntu-be] Win8 will block dual-boot?
> Have a read here:
> http://www.zdnet.com/blog/microsoft/will-windows-8-block-users-from-dual-booting-linux-microsoft-wont-say/10772
> Grtz,
> Jurgen.
> -- 
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