[Ubuntu-be] Meeting report 2011-09-08

Sulumar sulumar at gmail.com
Fri Sep 9 19:11:57 UTC 2011

the 3 of us should first find ways to communicate outside of the mailing
list. I think that discussing every administrative detail on the list
would not be wise

Am 2011-09-09 15:09, schrieb Pierre Buyle:
> Hi,
> Nice to see three people stepping up for the website. I highly
> encourage you to work as a team instead of a single person. That way,
> you won't feel alone and the need for coordination leads to better
> documentation and/or communication. Even when in Canada, I can still
> take the time to answer any question you may have regarding
> Ubuntu-be.org's website.
> About the 3G connections. I don't see a 512Kps cap when testing my
> Mobile Vikings connection in Brussels with the SpeedTest.net
> application. It reports 962 kbps on download and 423 on upload with a
> 160ms ping using an HSDPA network.
> Regards,
> P.

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