[Ubuntu-be] Meeting report 2011-09-08

Ward De Ridder ubuntu-be at warddr.eu
Fri Sep 9 11:41:23 UTC 2011

In antwerp I've got 3g speeds of 250KiB (bytes, not bits) / sec. That's 
not a lot, but enough for some users to use the internet simultaniously.
The internet at my school is capped to 60KiB, so a lot better.
I'll send them a mail, it can always be usefull to google something at 
the boot if there are any questions we don't know the answer to.


On Fri, 9 Sep 2011 11:11:58 +0200, Steven Leeman wrote:
>> * 3G
>> * Warddr is going to ask Mobile Vikings if they can secure us a
>> 3G connection on Dipro fairs etc..
> 3G is a "best effort"... only there when available.... I have one in
> Ostend... but not in Iseghem...
> also speed is "locked" to 512kbit by Base.... Mobile Vikings can't
> give you more speed...
> Don't  expect to download an 1 gigabyte ISO within 8 hours with that
> speed...
> You could check 1 gmail session in "basic html" ... or in special
> "mobile version" found on smartphones...
> Basicly the 3G offered by Proximus & Mobistar is still better in
> "availability" AND "speed"...
> but not necessarlly in price (they still think 50mbyte is enough?)
> Other solution:
> Belgacom Internet users get a free sim card to have "3G Weekend"
> offering... it's only limited in time (weekend) and size
> (512mbyte).... but you get a lot of speed...
> http://www.bizztime.be/mobiel_internet_weekend [1]
> no idea when you pass the 512mbyte marker... 
> Links:
> ------
> [1] http://www.bizztime.be/mobiel_internet_weekend

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