[Ubuntu-be] Stepping down from Ubuntu-be

Pierre Buyle mongolito404 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 6 10:44:57 UTC 2011

Hi all,

As a few of you already know, long ago I started to the legal and
administrative process to immigrate to Canada. This process is nearly
complete and I'm now authorized to work and live in Canada (I'm just
waiting for the papers to reach my home). In a few months (in January
I hope), I should move there to enjoy maple syrup and snowy winter. I
you may guess, I've plenty of stuffs to sort out before leaving and
will have plenty of stuff to do once I'll be there. Also, it makes
little sense to be a remote member of a local community such a
Ubuntu-be. So, I'm stepping down from Ubuntu-be. I'm not very active
in events and other initiatives, so I don't thing my "workforce" will
be missed there. I'm, however, the current webmaster for the Ubuntu-be
website and its supporters map. So, I'm looking for somebody to take
over the position.

The website is powered by Drupal 6 and only requires little
maintenance (mainly periodic updates of Drupal core and contrib
modules). The map was build with additional modules (OpenLayers, CCK
and Views) with custom module to ensure their configuration (using the
Features module). But this code is not up to date with the latest
configuration changes.

I can meet interested candidates on IRC, Jabber or even IRL on Bxl to
discuss the handover and/or give details. Mail is also an option, even
on the ML.


Pierre "mongolito404" Buyle

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