[Ubuntu-be] Fwd: ubuntu-be Digest, Vol 69, Issue 18
Claudio Mammarella
claudio.mammarella at telenet.be
Wed Nov 30 14:10:22 UTC 2011
Beste Noel,
Natuurlijk ben je welkom in Genk.
Duidt aan op doodle wanneer je wenst te komen.
Mijn telefoonnummer is 0473-581134, bel me als je meer info wenst over de locatieof je weg daar niet kent.
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Van: ubuntu-be-request at lists.ubuntu.com
Aan: ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com
Verzonden: Woensdag 30 november 2011 13:00:39 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlijn / Bern / Rome / Stockholm / Wenen
Onderwerp: ubuntu-be Digest, Vol 69, Issue 18
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Today's Topics:
1. Re: Dipro beurs te Genk op 4 december 2011 (Noel Rogghe)
2. Re: Survey (Wouter Vandenneucker)
Message: 1
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 21:30:36 +0100
From: Noel Rogghe <nero.ubuntu at gmail.com>
To: ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-be] Dipro beurs te Genk op 4 december 2011
Message-ID: <4ED540EC.8020709 at gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
On 10/11/11 21:54, Claudio Mammarella wrote:
> Hallo iedereen,
> We zijn weer op zoek naar vrijwilligers voor op de volgende dipro-beurs
> te Hasselt.
> Laat iets weten als je je geroepen om een handje te helpen.
> Meer info over deze gecombineerde beurs (fotografie en Micro Mega Markt)
> http://www.dipro.be/
> Vul de uren dat je wenst te komen in op Doodle
> http://doodle.com/4cphfbnw96z3n4ih
> We hadden gedacht om na de beurs iets kleins te gaan eten, bv: een
> grieks frietje (de beste in genk zeggen ze).
> het is dan een goed moment om eens gezellig te praten en als de tijd het
> toelaat te brainstormen-discussieren
> over hoe we beter te werk kunnen gaan om promotie te maken.
> bv: infosessie op middelbare scholen, presentaties geven in bibs, kleine
> kmo's aanspreken,...????
> Verzamel wat idee?n en we spreken erover tijdens onze friet.
> Alvast bedankt en misschiens tot dan,
> Claudio Mammarella
> ubuntu-be promotor
Hi guys,
Kan je nog een helpende hand gebruiken? Dan kom ik wel af...
Mvg, No?l aka Nero
Message: 2
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 09:32:10 +0100
From: Wouter Vandenneucker <woutervddn at gmail.com>
To: Ubuntu Belgium <ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-be] Survey
<CAHLJgja1nnEefJsg2m9AeKppwo4s=UOwZzvKak=bdFEdiHQOgQ at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
My spelling really sucks, doesn't it -_-'
(Spelling Control.. Y_U_NO WORK!)
I'll change those things asap!
@thijs: yes.. I still need to upload that page.. :p
Also, I need to change the link of the header...
Stephan, Thijs, Jurgen: Thx for your remarks, I'll update it! ^^
2011/11/29 Stefan Cox <stefan at coxputers.be>
> "Pijlen" in the introduction should be "peilen"
> in the section "uw ervaring met ubuntu" it should be "u vindt", not "u
> vind"
> same page "een manier dat" should be "een manier die"
> same page "enigste" should be "enige"
> thank you page "dankuwel" should be "dank u wel"
> Kind regards,
> Stefan
> 2011/11/29 Wouter Vandenneucker <woutervddn at gmail.com>
>> 2011/11/29 Jurgen Gaeremyn <jurgen.gaeremyn at pandora.be>
>>> Hey Wouter,
>>> just a few comments:
>>> * doesn't work well without Javascript enabled
>> I know, but we'll make them do it on a default ubuntu system, so JS is
>> enabled ;-)
>> But indeed, for future stuff we might want to look to that. On the other
>> hand, if you don't have JS enabled:
>> a.) you know how to enable it on trusted sites
>> b.) you're working on a weird browser and have a backup browser for
>> normal work
>> c.) you know what you're doing and how to fix it
>> d.) you're on windows..
>> Or at least, that's how I see it :s
>>> * page 2: "Ubuntu is mijn enigste Besturingssysteem" -> ENIGE
>> Good point, I need to fix that.. THX!
>> * page 3: "standaard software aanbod" -> not very clear. Does this mean
>>> installed by default, or available in repo's?
>> It's by default, I'll make it clear.. :)
>>> Otherwise, great poll!
>>> Let's hope for a big response. :)
>> We're going to put it on during Dipro Genk. Afterwards I'll had 2 (or so)
>> more questions, and make a call to translate it to complete it for online
>> use.
>> :)
>> Thx for the response!
>> Really apreciate it!
>> Grts
>> Wouter
>>> Grtz,
>>> Jurgen
>>> Op 29-11-11 17:49, Wouter Vandenneucker schreef:
>>> Hey guys the survey for next weekend in GENK is online now.
>>> It's only in dutch, but for the genk area that shouldn't be a problem
>>> I think.
>>> Anyhow, please test it out, and tell me if you encounter any problems:
>>> http://ubuntu.vandenneucker.be/limesurvey/index.php?sid=29175&lang=nl
>>> PS: the server is fairly slow, getting the fonts can take a a few
>>> seconds.. I'll run this survey locally during the event to prevent this ^^
>>> Grts
>>> wouter
>>> --
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