[Ubuntu-be] Thursday 17th of November IRC Meeting report (There are some questions for the ML in here..)

Wouter Vandenneucker woutervddn at gmail.com
Tue Nov 22 13:28:43 UTC 2011

*Hey guys*
*Sorry it took so long to write the report. I can't log in to the wiki (I
think launchpad is doing weird again), so if someone could upload this to
the wiki I'd be thankful.*
*Anyhow, the report, here it is:*

meeting, Thursday November 17th

Participants: massimo21, clamam, JanC, jean7491, hans_, sulumar, Javache,
pvandewyngaerde, woutervddn

== Past events ==
    - Dipro Brugge:
            * 25th of September
            * There is no report written, it would be nice if someone who
was there uploaded one.

    - Dipro Kortrijk:
            * 30th of October
            * There is no report written, it would be nice if someone who
was there uploaded one.
            * The fair was okay, not a huge number of visitors, but not bad
            * There are priests near Kortrijk that run a church on ubuntu

    - Dipro Gent:
            * 6th of November
            * No participation due to a lack of volunteers.

== Upcoming events ==
    - Dipro Antwerp:
            * 27th of November
            * Hans thinks that Bram leads the event. (Judging from more
recent mails towards the ML I think this is correct)
            * If CD's are needed, please contact JanC abou this.
            * Please don't forget to update the wiki with a small (or big)
report afterwards

    - Ubuntu introduction course @UGent
            * 22th of November.
            * http://zeus.ugent.be/2011/11/16/ubuntu-les-2/
            * The Zeus WPI, studentworkgroup informatics at UGent organizes
an Ubuntu introduction course together with the workgroup Software.
            * Javache requested a number of CD's
            * It would be nice to see a report of this online as we'd like
to do more with education etc.

    - Dipro Genk:
            * 4th of November
            * Everybody is contacted
            * We made a number of questions in the form of a survey, we're
gonna test it out to see how people found out about ubuntu, how they use
            * woutervddn is going to make the survey somewhere this week.
He'll post a link to it on the ML once it's ready.
            * More info on this at Website/Wiki
            * A request for some new CD's has been made.

    - FOSDEM
            * 4th & 5th of February
            * Official Website: http://fosdem.org/2012/
            * you can read about last year's edition here:
            * Fosdem is a great "party" where a lot of people, from in and
out Europe, who are in to Open Source Software meet. It's great fun,
everybody should go.
            * The request for info about a stand was just send out. We
shouldn't wait to long to answer that request.
            * We work together with Ubuntu-fr for this, we might want to
contact them

== Promotion ==
    - FOSDEM Promo Stuff
            * Last year we sold a lot, almost all (100) shirts were gone
and we sold all of the Linux/Tux chocolates.
            * What to sell this year?
            * Tshirts
            * Tux Chocolates (can we personalize the package? COF logo
would be nice) http://belfine.com/en/products/index.asp?t=3&sg=KERST&hg=Reep
            * USB sticks?
            * Other ideas are still welcome, please provide them!
            * We should ask Ubuntu-fr to see what they are selling

    - Tshirts (1): The current ones
            * The link to buy shirts isn't working
            * woutervddn fixes the Tshirt buy thingy before the 6th of
            * hans_ is responisible for making woutervddn do that if he

    - Tshirts (2): New ones?
            * We might ask for new proposal designs on the shirts and then
organize a poll to see if the old design is still in favor.
            * Benefits of a new shirt is that people who already bought one
can buy a completely other one this year.
            * Benefits of the old design is that a lot of people seem to
love it.
            * What does the rest of the ML think of this?
            * Everybody is free to design a new concept, please do and
submit to this ML, on the Wiki. (a wiki page has te be created though)
            * We might also ask OSP if they'd like to design us something.
            * More info on OSP here: http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/

    - Our 11.10 CD's finally arrived

== Website & Wiki ==
    - hans_ added the IRC meeting dates until September 2012

    - Survey
            * In order to have a better idea how people use Ubuntu, where
they found out,.. We're going to launch a Survey.
            * We'll test it at the Dipro fair in Genk.
            * Claudio provided the questions for this.
            * woutervddn is already working on another survey so he'll
customize the theme for Ubuntu-be and will upload it this week.
            * it would be cool if some people tried it out.
            * You'll get a mail of it on the ML.

== Next meeting agenda points: ==
    - how about the educational project

    - All stuff listed below

== Questions towards the ML ==
    - National release party, is this a go? can we manage that?

    - Centralized depot for ubuntu-ware: Do or Don't?

    - Think about stuff to sell on Fosdem?

    - New Tshirt designs? (see promotion > Tshirts (2) for more info)

== ToDo ==
    - French translation of flyers (needs to be printed)

    - Making a localised cd for 11.10

    - Getting an invoice about the USB sticks

    - Making a new pad to see what we want Ubuntu-be to be doing in the
            * http://ubuntu-be.ietherpad.com/1  is down for a while now.
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