[Ubuntu-be] usb sticks met ubuntu preloaded

Steven Leeman steven at leeman.be
Tue May 31 16:15:39 UTC 2011

On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 6:10 PM, Jan Claeys <ubuntu at janc.be> wrote:

> martijn cielen schreef op di 24-05-2011 om 15:35 [+0200]:
> > oth "Joe Sixpack" will probbably not buy a 2.0 in a year
> > time
> AFAIK a default install of Windows 7 doesn't support USB 3.0 without
> extra drivers, so I'm pretty sure USB 2.0 will be around for some time
> still...   ;-)
dunno i installed the usb 3.0 card on my ubuntu pc  :-)
usb speed was roughly x2 using a usb 3.0 WD portable disk
so 40-50mbyte/s instead of 25mbyte/s
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