[Ubuntu-be] Ubuntu-be USB stick

Steven Leeman steven at leeman.be
Mon May 30 21:02:35 UTC 2011

On Monday, May 30, 2011, Pierre Buyle <mongolito404+ubuntu-be at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hoi,
> As some of you may be aware, last month several Ubuntu-be members met
> and decided to form the Ubuntu-be Council in order to help and
> encourage collaboration and initiative in the Ubuntu-be community [1].
> And the Council loves the idea of an Ubuntu-be USB stick and will be
> very happy to see it happens. To help this, we will use part of the
> Ubuntu-be money to buy enough USB sticks to make the operation viable
> (if not profitable). We can likely afford up to 700-1000€ for the
> whole operation. We will need to have enough people committed to
> complete the project. Preparation and distribution of the keys must be
> ensured.

Adding localisation and extra packages no problem
Copying to several usb sticks also no problem (dd?)
Hand delivering to current interested eventbox locations for easy
distribution in the coming dipro bourses , interested supportpoints
can get them at those locations?
Also i have no exams :-)


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