[Ubuntu-be] IRC meeting 26/05/2011 – Report (USB stick)

Pierre Vorhagen pvr at kthx.be
Mon May 30 19:38:26 UTC 2011

On 30/05/11 19:37, Steven Leeman wrote:
> i got an 8gbyte version and after a while it doesn't "click" anymore so
> whenever you try to insert it into a usb port... it detracts like a
> turtle into it's shell... really annoying...
> it's also a little bit too thick so if you have a usb port next to
> eachother...it's not available anymore
I understand, not the best design then.

> also in prices these are practically equal to those from the firms that
> can sell them in bulk WITH ubuntu imprint on them...so no need to print
> your paper & cut it and stick it on each of your 25 sticks
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/PromotionMaterial/ProposalsGoodies2011?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=Prijslijst_EUR_18-05-11.pdf
> the "canvas" series are the ones you refer to .... and are in price
> thesame as the twister series
It was just to show the design, in fact, the sticks on the PDF look great.

I really like the Twister series. I can imagine that it would look very 
nice with an Ubuntu-be engraving.


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