[Ubuntu-be] Wegetit.be (and other stuff)

wouter Vandenneucker woutervddn at hotmail.com
Mon May 30 15:39:53 UTC 2011

Hi everyone,
I'm not sure if this is my call to make but I'd like to express my disappointment here.During the last couple of weeks this MailingList has increasingly been used to address certain problems that aren't a real part of our job as Ubuntu-be members.I'm not here to tell who's right or wrong and I'm neither telling you guys that you can't tell/address these things. I'm even perfectly aware and agree that some things said are generally a benefit for fellow Ubunteros.
Nevertheless I'd like to point out that I am concerned about these emails. It is to my believe that everybody on this ML is using this ML to support the greater good.And whether talking about a computer shop or a braai, we all send our messages because we think the whole community will get better of it.I strongly believe everybody is entitled on their own opinion even when this opinion isn't shared by the main part of our community.
I do hope however that this ML isn't transforming in such a direction that lost all sense of Ubuntu (humanity). People make mistakes, it's part of life. And although I really understand the frustration and the need to express those frustrations.Don't let us be to harsh on each other. 
That being said I hope that I'll never encounter a flame-war on this ML. It would spoil my idea that their are others who are also believing something better can be achieved in this world..
kind regards


Date: Mon, 30 May 2011 17:15:20 +0200
From: steven op leeman.be
To: ubuntu-be op lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-be] Wegetit.be

On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 5:08 PM, Pierre Buyle <mongolito404+ubuntu-be op gmail.com> wrote:

On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 4:53 PM, Steven Leeman <steven op leeman.be> wrote:

> "Opt-Out" it's allowed in the UK and done by eg BT...

> But you can discuss if UK is part of Europe... at least not for 100% :-)

> (they still use Pounds (not part of the Euro)....still necessary to go

> through customs (not part of Schengen)...)

My mistake, sorry. The European law allow both to be choice in

national legislation. Anyway, Opt-Out is illegal in Belgium. See


or http://economie.fgov.be/nl/modules/publications/general/spamming_brochure_fr.jsp

hmm then the government is as corrupt as I thought...don't forget to opt-out for "donor organ"  Belgium is one of the only ones who choose to automatically opt-in their population...
you have to specifically opt-out if you are against it (due to religion perhaps)

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