[Ubuntu-be] usb sticks met ubuntu preloaded

martijn cielen mcielen at gmail.com
Thu May 19 08:26:58 UTC 2011

That's one idea. If we choose that path, I think the vzw should be
more than just ubuntu loco, eg "vzw for promotion and support of
ubuntu in belgium".


I'm playing with the idea of starting independant Ubuntu courses
somewhere in the next years (after our *huge* renovation works are
done). So a close collaboration with ubuntu-be will benefit both of



On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 10:22 AM, wouter Vandenneucker
<woutervddn at hotmail.com> wrote:
> if we're gonna sell mugs we need to do it the good way, not vista print
> way..
> I guess we could try to become an 'ubuntu market place' (like an ubuntu
> partner but with less musts)
> http://webapps.ubuntu.com/marketplace/
> there are a couple of them who do merchandising..
> grts
> Wouter
> ________________________________
> Date: Thu, 19 May 2011 10:14:45 +0200
> From: steven at leeman.be
> To: ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com
> Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-be] usb sticks met ubuntu preloaded
> On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 9:57 AM, martijn cielen <mcielen at gmail.com> wrote:
> Even better would be to have some people start Canonical Belgium ofcourse
> ;-)
> (I'd apply for a job there immediately)
> But seen the negative faq item, I guess we're stuck with overpriced
> shipping. Guess we could revive the idea of "samenkoop" I launched a
> while ago, if we find a decent way to manage this.
> this is the "ubuntu-fr" shop...
> they ask 19 euro for a 4gbyte usb key
> http://enventelibre.org/ubuntufr
> you can create "mugs" with vistaprint...
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(o_     martijn cielen
V_/_    adminestering the world one system at a time

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