[Ubuntu-be] Hello all

wouter Vandenneucker woutervddn at hotmail.com
Sun May 8 22:14:57 UTC 2011

Great story Maik,

Anyone else who wants to share his story?

(having some of these stories on the website might get some new people interested..)

It's nice to see people call Ubuntu their 'home'. All fellow geeks know it, there is no place like!
But for others, the simplicity of Ubuntu is already wicked enough..



Date: Sun, 8 May 2011 21:13:12 +0200
From: mikemorraye op gmail.com
To: ubuntu-be op lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-be] Hello all

Oh hi there Maik :)
2011/5/8 Maik Adamietz <maik.adamietz op telenet.be>

Hello all,

A few days ago i joined the Ubuntu BE team as you all know from the report

Wouter has written on the IRC meeting.

Let me tell you some more about me so you can get to know me a bit better.

Some of you know me from IRC and maybe also from the Ubuntu NL forum where i

go under the nickname: DarkEra.

Maybe you also know me from the Ubuntu 9.04 release party that took place in


In real life my name is Maik (pronounced Mike).

I've started with Ubuntu early 2008 on February the 13th to be correct by

taking the "deep dive" with version 7.10. Along with this i became a member

on the forum there. I believe a year later or so i joined the team as a

moderator, after a few months i came with the idea to start up the Community

Manager which i've been for a while until i pointed someone else for the job

who made a Community Council of it with another member, because i wanted to

try something else by becoming Administrator of the boards.

Because of some changes in my life i had to step down again somewhere

between the end of 2009 and the beginning of 2010. From that timeperiod

until now i've been distrohopping around a lot, trying to find my place or

say home in the Linux world. I didn't know anymore what i wanted

After a very long time of thinking it became clear to me that i already had

found my home but left it. So, slowly but surely i made my way back where it

all began for me: Ubuntu.

Now i'm running Ubuntu again on my laptop and netbook (hope to by a PC next

year) and want to get involved some more again in Ubuntu step by step. I

think Ubuntu BE is the place for me to achieve this goal also because i live

in Belgium myself.

The "hunger" has grown again with the latest Ubuntu 11.04 release. This time

i know what i want and i'm here to stay for good.

I hope to get to know you all some more and you will show me the way around

here at Ubuntu BE on how it works and how you work. I will try to be on

every IRC meeting as much as i can to pick up things and to learn, join in

on release parties and other things.

One thing i'm about to do this evening is to get my hands on that awesome

looking Ubuntu BE t-shirt, so a order is about to be placed.

Thank you for accepting me as a member of the Ubuntu BE team and i'm looking

forward to get to know you IRL soon. At least i hope that will happen, would

be fun.




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