[Ubuntu-be] IRC meeting 03/03/2011 – Report

Jean7491 jean7491 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 4 23:03:29 UTC 2011

IRC meeting 03/03/2011 – Report
Present at the meeting (in random order) : janb, clamam, stefwal, 
massimo21, djim-fey, gadeynebram, woutervddn, Jean7491

Welcome to stefwal (Veurne)!

1. Past and future events
  a. Hobby and computers days - Antwerp 26-27/02/2011 - report
Good event. We are waiting for a report from nero. AFAIK, there was not 
enough cd's for the 2d day. No information about selling t-shirts.

  b. Ubuntu presentation in Aalter on 02/03/2011 (Jan B.) - report
Presentation to High School students in Aalter 11th grade and matric. 
janb was happy with this event and is hoping to do this more often. We 
should have more things like that:
see report in the wiki 
Question is where and how can Ubuntu-be look contacts about this kind of 
presentation in schools ? Any ideas ?

  c. Digital Week 2011 - 28/02-04/03/2011 - report
A presentation of Ubuntu (2 sessions) was given on 03/03/2011 in the 
public library – Ostend
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/DigitalWeek-2011 Approximately 25 
people well interested took part to this event and made some contacts 
for more Ubuntu-support and activities in the public library each 
Thursday morning.
On 05/03 Ubuntu presentation in Schoten, see 
We should do better next year, in both Digitale Week 2012 and La Semaine 
Numérique 2012.

  d. Dipro fair Brugge – 13/03/2011
Only 3 volunteers in the wiki, we hope other volunteers will appear !

  e. Dipro Charleroi – 20/03/2011
Adrien and Sylvain are in contact to collaborate with local LUG's.  
Volunteers, please add your names in the wiki : 
We have to coordinate with Sylvain and Adrien for t-shirts and cd's: the 
remaining 20 t-shirts (nero) could be sent to Charleroi.

  e. Monthly report Feb : we need a Fosdem 2011 and Hobby and Computers 
days - Antwerp reports in the BelgianTeam wiki.

2. Promotion
  a. t-shirts - Update
Wouter is ready to order another 100 t-shirts, but he is still waiting 
the approval of the treasurer.
  It is suggested to put the print a little higher.

  b. Flyers 2011
Please look at 
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/PromotionMaterial/ProposalsFlyers2011 and 
add your proposals/comments in the mailing list and in the wiki page. If 
no other suggestion/proposal, we could decide about the design of the 
flyers 2011 end of March and order in April.

  c. Rollup
Several proposals are in the wiki page 
. Please add your suggestions/comments in the wiki and/or in the mailing 
list. If no other suggestion/proposal, we could decide end of march the 
design of the flyers 2011.

  d. Other goodies (mugs, bags, pens, ... )
A wiki page 
is open for designs and details. warddr (leading the project) is not 
Although we can start with projects and designs, we have to examine the 
preparation and implications (logistic, legal aspects, tax-office, 
volunteers, ...), as Ubuntu-be has no status and is not authorized to do 
business. At the other hand, are the volunteers for promoting Ubuntu 
willing to act as sellers. It is difficul to assume that every volunteer 
to events/dipro fairs will be happy to sell more goodies while 
explaining that Ubuntu is free of charge. We should first see what 
happens with the t-shirts.

3. Update Wiki and Web-site
  - Wiki: links about the review are 
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/Legacy (all the content from before 
2010), and an overview of what was done is added at
A meeting was earlier proposed by Wouter on 09/03 (but has to be 
confirmed!). Further information will be sent via the mailing list.

- Web-site: in a previous meeting, we pointed out that we need a page 
promoting our actions/events. The aim is to show what we do, hoping that 
new volunteers will join. Wouter wrote a bug-report 
- Web-site - Support point manual 
(http://ubuntu-be.org/en/content/513/support-point-manual) : a the 
French translation of the support point manual was done and a German 
translator appeared (thanks Baudouin!)  

4. Other questions
   Public relations - a few questions
How to attract new volunteers in Ubuntu-be ? How to improve the image of 
Ubuntu-be ?
We lack contacts with other organisations also promoting and/or talking 
about Ubuntu: what can we improve ?
Ubuntu-be.org is not recognized as a partner or an valid association, 
probably and partialy due to the fact that we have no formal 
organization, no structure, no public relations and no vision of the future.
As we are considering more activities for Ubuntu-be, we should think 
about more organization (first priority!) and an evolution towards a 
legal tructure, another form of association (nonprofit/vzw/asbl). We 
hope reactions from the mailing-list readers.
The topic will be discussed in the next meeting. If enough volunteers 
are interested in the question, we could constitute a "study-group" and 
develop projects. Later we could organize an IRL meeting to discuss the 
issue and decide about projects.

5. Next IRC meeting on Thursday 10/03/2011 at 21.00 hr.

Ubuntu Belgium Events Team

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