[Ubuntu-be] Report IRC meeting 2011-06-09

Jurgen Gaeremyn jurgen.gaeremyn at pandora.be
Thu Jun 9 21:24:59 UTC 2011

Today, we made the report together (thanks to ietherpad).

Here's the report:

Participants (in random order): Jurgentje, massimo21, DarkEra, Warddr, pvandewyngaerde, RamiAdrien, JanC, wouter_vddn

= Mobile Vikings lense =
- this should not be an ubuntu-be project, unless there is some added value for ubuntu-be, but obviously individual users are free to try some stuff.
- sound like interesting, but not a priority.
- Warddr would like to look into it
- if someone develops that kind of lense, some mutual blogging could obviously be done :) (but these are rather individual initiatives on both sides)

= Custom ISO =
Report online:
Woutervvdn made some great wallpapers to vent his exam-frustration...
Art Team can add wallpapers (or other artwork)

RamiAdrien got a request from a computer space ("espace numérique") to create a custom ISO for older people. This can be a nice challenge for after the Ubuntu-be ISO is finished (or if someone wants to put energy into this)
RamiAdrien will have a Wiki Page and will maintain it.

= USB Project =
Monday evening there will be a meeting.

= European Parliament =
EPFSUG has an IRC channel #epfsug on OFTC (irc.oftc.net)

ehj (on IRC) works in the EP.
They are organising an Ubuntu-party in the EP, in collaboration with Ubuntu-be (somewhere in September).
Woutervddn is active on this.
There's a meeting in June (doodle: http://www.doodle.com/xn2i4p7g7g4hu8pe if you want to participate). This would be a small install party and some discussion/planning for September.
If September happening goes well, there would be a big event in December.

more info about the event here: http://pad.epfsug.eu/epfsug--ubuntu-be
other epfsug activities at: http://pad.epfsug.eu/epfsug--projects

Flyers for the EP: woutervddn looks to find something on spreadubuntu.com and localizes it (and sends it to ehj afterwards)

= Braai =
Jan Bongaerts is organizing...
Interested? Have a look on: http://doodle.com/f2i9h2gsrsp6hz2i

= Ordering of flyers and rollouts =
Jurgen will order 5000 flyers (NL) and 3 rollouts
Shipping will happen to his place - he will redistribute

= Festivals and Ubuntu =
If new information is available, we will tackle this on the next meeting.

= Beta group in Brussels =
RamiAdrien is in contact with Brussels betagroup - they have a great space to organize a big Ubuntu event.
Next meeting this will be a major point. RamiAdrien will prepare the organisation.

NEXT MEETING: June 23 (21:00)

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