[Ubuntu-be] ubuntu cd/dvd
Bram Gadeyne
gadeynebram at gmail.com
Mon Jun 6 20:22:08 UTC 2011
Hi all,
Using UCK does not provide a lot of possibilities.
I've received this dvd by mail today. It's size is 3.4 GB so it's a normal
I think they created it using casper and some other things:
Since you have to include grub I think it should be possible to add
different bootable distro's. On the dvd there is a directory for every
distro containing vmlinuz, initrd.lz and filesystem.squashfs. The last one
contains the contents of the distro.
Anyone who would like to join forces and try to create such a cd/dvd. First
with a single customized distro and then maybe different ones?
With kind regards
2011/6/2 Noel Rogghe <nero.ubuntu op gmail.com>
> On 02/06/11 19:10, Steven Leeman wrote:
>> Its a dual sided dvd i read which would mean 9gigabyte
>> But a screenshot shows it has a covere so xxthat would mean dual layer
>> technically
>> If we want to reproduce we need a 16gb stick?
> If it's the same Ubuntu Sixpack that comes with the Ubuntu Users Magazine
> it is definitely not a dual layer. One site is 32-bit, the flip site is
> 64-bit. The DVD is not printed.
> --
> Mvg, Noël aka Nero
> --
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Bram Gadeyne
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